Date: 4/27/2004 3:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 62246
Well, I really hope this doesn't happen. I don't think you should go just in case. Has anyone told the authorities? If I were you, I'd tell someone. If it really were me, I'd go to school anyway, because I would want to try and protect people or try and convince the person not to do it. But sense it is not me, and I am looking out for you by posting this, please do not go and please tell someone. By the way, do you know who wrote this note and who found it? It might just be a bad rumor.  |
Date: 4/27/2004 3:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 33573
Hasn't anyone told the cops or school administartors about this? Even if it is just a threat or simple little joke that someone thinks is funny, it is a very serious crime. I would call the police or something and tell them and I wouldn't go to school if I heard about that! You never know with kids and teens these days.  |
Date: 4/27/2004 3:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
Have the school officals/police been notified?  |
Date: 4/27/2004 3:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 26363
Where was is written at? Have the police seen it? If it's just a joke it ain't funny and is still consider a serious threat! I certainly hope someone has reported it and I don't think I would be showing up at school tomorrow. MorningGlory  |
Date: 4/27/2004 3:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 14780
Regardless if its a rumor or not it needs to be checked into by authorities...seems as the school year closes these things start happening more often to get out of classes...Personally, I would not go to school or send my children that day.  |
Date: 4/27/2004 3:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 53054
I wouldnt go just in case, but i hardly go to school anyways.....this is a serious threat and should not be taken as a joke, andd if it is a joke its not very with the others have the school officials or even the police been notified??? *hguz* Take care!!!  |
Date: 4/27/2004 4:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 11348
When I was in high school we started getting bomb threats quite often. At first, they would close down the school for the day. After getting so many, they just started sending notes home to parents telling them it was up to the parents whether or not to send their kid to school. Odds are, nothing will happen, but sometimes bad things do happen so you can never be to careful. If you really are scared, don't go to school tomorrow. You can make up your work and it's better to be safe than sorry.  |
Date: 4/27/2004 4:59:00 PM
From Authorid: 8278
if the authorities have not been notified...they NEED to be! this is a very serious threat, joking or not. if it were my son, he would not be going to school. i take those threats seriously and will not take any chances. it is better to be safe than sorry. if it hasn't been reported, then report it! it needs to be checked out and the person that wrote it needs to be dealt with  |
Date: 4/27/2004 6:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 36537
OMG! Do not go to school!  |
Date: 4/28/2004 8:48:00 AM
From Authorid: 42522
I agree with everyone above.  |
Date: 5/4/2004 4:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 62682
I wouldnt go hon. And if the school doent know about it already I would be sure to call and tell someone so they can take the appropriate actions. Good luck  |
Date: 4/15/2005 4:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 23101
This posty was made on my brothers birthday. *hehe* Well it looks like you are okay, did everything go okay that day??  |