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| I wanna have an Anime/Manga Drawing Contest...Kamui DragonOfEarth | Author: 52919 Category:(Discussion) Created:(4/27/2004 11:09:00 AM) This post has been Viewed (1272 times) | Hello Everyone..I am writing this post to ask peoples opinion and also ask permission from the Admin to host an Anime/Manga Drawing Contest. I would be giving out Real Life...Real Good Prizes. I plan on posting the event sometime in my if allowed to..and have it end at the end of June..giving our talented artist enough time to draw whatever they please..color if they want and sent it to me...but i know there could be some personal issues..about imformation being given out. I know people "can't" be trusted online..but this is something I want to do..I really am a big fan of Anime and I want the talent that is out there to be praised...If everyone is alright with it, I would have all of our artists email me and give me there addresses...(if ok with it) and I would then give them my address (in case they wanna run it by the FBI..lol..jk) so they could send in their drawings...I talked about this with my USM sis and real like best friend Michelle a.k.a Mayuka 37150 and she thought it was a great idea also. So yea..She would also help me pick the winning artist. I plan on giving a Grand Prize (which would be a complete anime series from discountanimedvd.com which i would give the winning artist the option of choosing one of the series I've listed) and 2nd (an anime wallscroll of the one of the one's ive chosen) and 3rd places prizes You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52919 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .