Just believing that there is a god out there is not enough. How are you going to get any confirmation if you simply believe?
No, the true belief in GOD goes beyond a mere acknowledgement that there is a Higher Power.
It is in believing that He is there for you and in falling on your knees and asking Him to help you walk through this life, that invites God to be a part of your life.
It isn't through acknowledging that Christ died for us and all our iniquities, but by accepting that gift and realizing how His sacrifice was the purest expression of unconditional Love that Earth has ever known.
Learning to lean on God for strength can ultimately strengthen your Faith.
Asking Him to allow you to see His miraculous work on a daily basis and to help you become more aware of the everyday blessings in your life and believing that He will, builds more everlasting faith in Him.
It Really Opens those lines of Communication with Our Father. :)
Remember, God is there for YOU, He hears your every prayer...knows your every thought...Since He already knows all there is to know about you, He just waits for you to come to Him and give Him your ALL...
He is so thrilled when His children come to Him, openly sharing with Him all their concerns and pain.
He knows you Well. If you ask Him to use you, He will be more than happy to.
And the Best Part is You don't have to be Perfect.
No one is!!
But God can take a Frog and make a Prince out of him, IF the Frog has Faith in Our Father, who can do anything!!
I have witnessed God soften some pretty hardened hearts, so I doubt there's a heart too hard for God's love to heal it.
He will continue to work on you through out your entire life, if you open yourself up to Him and ask Him to make the necessary repairs. It may be through the words of another, or just some divine realization that makes you take the next step forward, but with faith and trust, It Will Happen.
You must be willing and open to accept the lessons that God has in store for You. You may trail WAY off the well-lit path, before He finally tugs you back in place. You may get a few scars on the way, and His big jolt could be a near-death situation, but in the long-run, those scars will only make you stronger, and your faith more resilient.
If there is one thing I've learned thus far about maintaining a personal relationship with Christ, it is that He never fails.
We do... but He does't.
Just when you think you are going under---just when you are about to throw Hope out the window---Something Miraculously makes things better.
I believe in the powers of prayer, because God has never let me down.
He has allowed me the girth to make my own mistakes, but it seems the results are never as severe as they might have been if I hadn't held onto that thin string that I keep between us. I never stopped trusting in His powers of redemption.
It can be the same with you if you just let Him in.
He fills your heart with a delicious sense of peace and satisfaction.
And He opens your heart to receive blessing after blessing!
What a friend we have, indeed!
To know our darkest thoughts and still have faith in us...That dear friends is Unconditional, Perfect Love to the fullest extent.
He Believes in You, isn't it time you chuck your doubts and Sincerely Believe in Him?
No, it doesn't take much thought, and that's exactly what makes it so difficult for some to accept.
As for me, I believe...I KNOW.. And No one can take this knowledge away from me, or My Lord out of my heart.
Ask Him into yours..You Will See His Difference in YOUR Life!
Lord make me a vessel of Your Love & Peace.
:)(:stacie:)(: How it changed my life:God is ALWAYS Working on my life! It's continuous and will never end! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53836 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .