Date: 4/25/2004 1:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 55582
do they do this in other peoples yard if so havea naborhood metting and have them kicked oy of the street  |
Date: 4/25/2004 3:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 62338
Have you tried calling the police and reporting them...Rawhide  |
Date: 4/25/2004 7:49:00 AM
From Authorid: 54968
Set up a video camera and record what they're doing on your property. Then show it to the police as proof.  |
Date: 4/25/2004 8:54:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53900
I have reported them to the police several times and unless they are caught in the act so to say the police cannot do anything. As for teh camera idea that is something we are looking into but it is a long way from the road to our house as we have an acre of land and our house is all the way in the back.  |
Date: 4/25/2004 10:52:00 AM
From Authorid: 4144
i say go to lowes and get a driveway monitor. get two or three if you need to so you know the minute they come onto your property and you can sneak out and start filming them. get them on tape a few times and take the tape to the police and show it to them and demand that they do something. i can understand there are laws but you have kids to watch out for. i can't stand people like that. the ones that let their kids go out and run wild and do nothing to make them mind. i lived in a duplex for 7 years and a few of the neighborhood kids were brats and ran all over and did whatever they wanted while the moms and dads laid on their butts and did nothing. and yes i do know for a fact they were laying on their butts...........among other things! that's why i love where i am now. NO CLOSE NEIGHBORS!!! the clostest one in front of me has two of the most well mannered boys you have ever met. the only problem with them is they call me maam too much!  |
Date: 4/25/2004 2:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 26363
Why don't you speak to a lawyer. Lots of them offer a free consultation, at least you would have some idea of where you stand. Even if ya could sell your property I bet they would make it darn near impossible. A lawyer may be able to help where the police can't. Make a record of everything they do, and keep recording in it. These people are harassing and trespassing which also will effect the value of your property. Check out a few different lawyers and also I would go to the citizerns advice bureau, they may have some valuable advice and could refer you to lawyers. Good luck. MorningGlory  |
Date: 4/28/2004 10:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 26227
This sounds bad. If I were you Id get the police involved. One of these times your kids might get hurt. Im sure the police will do something about the harrasment and tresspassing.  |
Date: 4/28/2004 10:46:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 53900
LOL @ Halfbaked...the police keep giving us the same story that they cant do anything unless tehy see them....they are juveniles yada yada yada...the one girl who got in the altercation with my daughter beat her up pretty badly. My daughter had scratches from the pavement on her side on her arm on her face, a black eye, some bruising on her face and side and her wrist and elbow were swollen. They took a report went to talk to the girls mom and when nobody answered said they would file it with the district attorney or state attorney and that they would contact us. They did and said the case did not seem to meet the requiremtns for prosecution in court(meaning not enough evidence) and that they were going to reccomend diversion which basically means anger management community service and counseling for the girl who did it. I say she needs her butt tore up or maybe to have a girl who is bigger tehn her do to her what she did to my daughter  |