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'I Want a Famous Face' Why doesn't someone stop these wackos?*DizzyME*

  Author:  9130  Category:(Discussion) Created:(4/13/2004 8:04:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (3251 times)

How many of you have watched the MTV show "I Want a Famous Face"? If you haven't watched it, it's about people who are obsessed with a certain celebrity and get plastic surgery to look like them.

The first episode featured two not-so-handsome brothers who underwent several facial surgery's in an attempt to look like Brat Pitt. In the end, they looked NOTHING like him.

Other epidodes featured a girl who got breast implants so she would look like Britney Spears, a girl who wanted to look like Kate Winslett, a woman that wanted to look like Pam Anderson (she wanted to be in Playboy) and last nights episode was about a transvestite who wanted to look like Jennifer Lopez. He had cheek implants, his hairline lowered, the bone above his eyes shaved down, and breast implants-- he wanted butt implants but decided to wait because of the cost. Why did he want to look like J-Lo? Because he wanted to be a supermodel. Can we say DELUSIONAL?

I find that show to be disturbing. These people seem obsessed with the celebrities to a point that I don't think a plastic surgeon should operate on them.

Do you think that plastic surgeons should operate on people who have such an unhealthy obsession with celebrities? It isn't as if they are going in and saying, "I like Nicole Kidman's nose, can you make mine look like hers?" It's as if they really expect to come out looking like the celebrity.

I have nothing about any of the plastic surgery shows such as Extreme Makeover and even The Swan, because they help people feel better about themselves.

What is your opinion about the show?

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 4/13/2004 8:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 16845    I haven't seen this show. But if people are obsessing over a celeb so much that they want to look like them and go to extreme mesures to achieve it....they need to get out more...LOL..  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 49091    I think its dumb. I mean, yeah the Brittney Spears girl did it for her career, but if I just went out and said u know what, I want to be like this and this person, that'd be nuts! Why would anyone want that? I like extreme make over cause they dont turn people into something their not. They just make them better. So they feel better about themselves and not about their popularity.  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 56293    I just finally watched it the other day. I've seen the Pamela Anderson one, Kate Winslett and J Lo one. The Pamela Anderson and J Lo one, I think was a bit, ahhh I don't even know! The girl wanting to look like Kate ... Wasn't so bad. I could understand why she wanted the tummy tuck (all of that skin, from losing weight) and her breasts being uneven. But the girl wanting to be Pamela Anderson, OMG! That girl was already very pretty. I think the boob job totally ruined it for her. But who knows, some guys seem to like that stuff lol. Not something I would ever do. And If I was that celebrity, I would be a bit freaked out that someone wants to look just like me! And the J Lo Wannabe .. oh I don't know . . . I don't think the surgery helped him .. Made him look more like a guy trying to be a girl, instead of a guy actually looking like a girl. If that makes sense . . I can't watch when they actually show the surgery .. that is horrible to watch! LOL. But anyway, I think I'm done rambling ...  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:13:00 PM  From Authorid: 49091    Yeah I'd kill for a body like Brittney Spears and the looks of J Lo, but some plastic surgen isn't going to do ne thing but make a fake me when I could do it on my own. If I want a body like brittney spears, i gotta hit the gym, if I want tthe looks of j lo, i can dye my own hair and wear more make up and get a killer tan on my own. I dont need some guy to make me feel liek some barbie doll.  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:13:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    got Bubbles-- I think the Britney Spears wannabe was delusional as well, because she actually thought she would "make it" in the world as a Britney Spears lookalike? It's kinda pityful to me that she thought breast implants would make her look more like Britney to begin with.  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:15:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    Social Slacker-- I thought the Pam Anderson wannabe looked better before the implants and lip enhancement too. Same with the J-Lo guy. He looked too... fake... after it was all done.  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 29534    Hiya Hun! I've watched that show too, and am not impressed at all! I think it's unhealthy to want to go through that much pain to look like someone else. I don't understand it. I watched the want about Britnet Spears and Pam Anderson, and it did not change that much the way they looked. *hugs*  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 53836    LMBO!! I've never heard of the show, but I definitely agree that it is both unhealthy as well as RIDICULOUS!!  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:21:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 9130    I didn't think doctors were allowed to operate on people who seemed mentally unstable. Not all of the people in the show seemed that way, but the J-Lo guy definatly did.  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 21435    What's the use? I believe that old saying.."There will never be another one like you." or maybe it was a song? Love me, world..hehe..I dig on Popeye.."I am what I am." Oh, the show?? Hadn't seen it. Hello, Dizzy Me   
Date: 4/13/2004 8:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 22188    My family and I totally agree! Instead of video-taping the process and encouraging this behavior, these people should be given professional help to raise their self esteem. Personally, I think it's all getting just a little bit ridiculous.  
Date: 4/13/2004 8:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 62511    I think it's stupid for these young adults to go out and do something like that. If you have to make yourself out to look almost exactly like another person that's living or once lived before, then where's your individuality?

I also wouldn't want someone getting plastic surgery to look like me. I would be flattered, but at the same time I would be offended because the "clone" could go out somewhere and do something stupid, and have people thinking it's you when it isn't. It's just so wrong.
Date: 4/13/2004 8:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 11348    I feel exactly the same as you. In the end they never look much like the celebrity, but in the off chance someone actually did, don't you think the celebrity would be upset? It'd be like having their identity stolen. I don't think people should be so obsessed.... it's just creepy.  
Date: 4/13/2004 9:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 62423    Yep I've seen it. And I think it's absoulutley disgusting.  
Date: 4/13/2004 9:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 52866    I am CRACKING UP! On the commercials for the J. Lo one, I kept saying, "GAWD that chick is soooo ugly OMG no surgery could fix that!" And now I find out it's a guy! LMBO! WOW! But anywho...I agree with you guys, Social Slacker and Diz, about the Pam Anderson girl (Sha) looking better than before her surgeries. She was sooo cute. I don't think the lips or the boobs made a improvement...well maybe the boobs for her "professional" goal, but the lips? Could barely tell the difference. The Britney Spears girl (Mia) was beautiful as it was, she was fine. But if she wanted to look more like Britney...she should consider removing her moles so she doesn't have to cake ten layers of foundation on them to hide them. I didn't see the Brad Pitt twins episode, but I saw a clip that showed a close-up of one of their faces and EW. Nasty acne. DIS-GUST-ING. The Kate Winslet girl (Jenette) is gorgeous and I am proud of her for losing so much weight. I think that her surgeries are the only ones that can be properly justified. She lost weight, and she had excess skin that she should have gotten rid of, so she did just that. And also, her weight loss caused a shift in her breast size and shape, so I think that's reason enough for augmentation. Except for Jenette, I think these people are ridiculous...and that's what makes it so entertaining!  
Date: 4/13/2004 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    Never heard of the show before.  
Date: 4/13/2004 9:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 28193    I saw the twins who wanted to look like Brad Pitt. They did look better, after it was over,(If you can call it better), but they didn't look like him. I saw the girl who wanted to look like Pam Anderson. I couldn't believe that they told her that she needed to lose weight. Her chest was too big, afterwards. I saw the other one, where the girl wanted to look like Britney Spears..she really did look like her, even before the surgery. It's amazing that the money is spent like this, on "kids".  
Date: 4/13/2004 10:04:00 PM  From Authorid: 57232    I've never seen the show, but I've figured that everyone has this one obsession that they just go a little bit too far with. There are the car buffs, the anime buffs, the computer buffs, oh the list goes on, but maybe these people are really just vanity buffs and think that since celebs are so idolized that they will get such idoltry too after some 'work'. I don't know $$$ for plastic surgeons though!  
Date: 4/13/2004 11:03:00 PM  From Authorid: 20956    we dont have this show in Australia yet Dizzy (though i am sure its just a matter of time!) but i read about those two brothers in our newspaper and i couldnt believe it! what is wrong with people? i mean, its one thing to think a celebrity is attractive but its a whole other thing to go under the knife to look like them. I have nothing against plastic surgery, i mean each to their own ~ if you hate your big bent nose and want to get it fixed, then fine that is your parogative (sp) but if you decide that you dont really like your nose because it doenst look like Jessica Simpsons, for example, and you go out and get it 'made' to look like that, then i personally think your a bit of a nut-job. jmo though  
Date: 4/13/2004 11:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 42945    I've never seen the show...but they sound like they need some mental counselling, crazzzzzyyyyy!!!!hugs  
Date: 4/14/2004 6:20:00 AM  ( Admin-FA )   What I find kind of funny is after... ever single person so far I've seen on that show complain about how much pain they are in after the surgery "Why did I go thru this?!" I just think "Because you are a obsessed freak that's why!" It's sad that people want to look like a celebrity. Just because they are in movies or on TV shows that doesn't make them any different from you or I, except the huge wad of money. I don't know.. if it makes them feel better so be it I guess. And the doctors don't care even if they think the person is nuts for wanting to look like a celebrity they just want their money.
Date: 4/14/2004 7:34:00 AM  From Authorid: 42522    I love that show! lol. But, the transvestite that wanted to look like JLO was kind of disturbing though!  
Date: 4/14/2004 8:01:00 AM  From Authorid: 53054    i think that these people need some sort of help! *hugz* i have not seen this show, but it seems interesting!  
Date: 4/14/2004 9:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 36901    I haven't seen the show, but I did see the previews. I was telling my husband how insane it was.  
Date: 4/14/2004 10:03:00 AM  From Authorid: 38406    OMG! I know what you mean. I think the show is funny. I watched it only once and it was the Britney Spears one. That girl was mess up she thinks by getting breast implants that will make her rich. The plastic surgeons only do it for the money they could careless about who the patients will turn out like in the end.  
Date: 4/14/2004 10:38:00 AM  From Authorid: 38601    ugh...I hate that show...but the one with the brother's was really funny when at the end the girl he liked said *Ok, just because he looks different doesn't mean my feelings for him have changed*...that's a smart girl right there...those brother's were such brats! I hated them...that show is so stupid..it like encourages people to feel bad about themselves  
Date: 4/14/2004 10:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 6867    I was listening to some entertainment show, and they said MTV was has having 2nd thoughts about the show. They highly doubt that there will be a second season. I personally think the show is plain psycho. I would like a little plastic surgery for health reasons, but I would never want to look like someone famous. I want to look like me and Just feel better. I was LMBO at the J-lo guy. I couldn't believe he would try to do those J-lo impersonations at that club! What a wacko. The one I liked, that seemed sane was the Kate Winslet girl. She had things done that she would not have been able to correct by exercising. She was well aware of her body type(plus size)and wanted to remain shapely because of the type of work she did. I thought she was extremely pretty Love Yourself,  
Date: 4/14/2004 11:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 35720    People should accept themselves for who they are.  
Date: 4/14/2004 11:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 13283    Those people are desperate for attention and will do whatever is necessary to get it . I feel sorry for these people . I guess since it is their own body they can ruin it if they want .
Razzy aka
Date: 4/14/2004 11:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 51070    Oh...my...gawd.....  
Date: 4/15/2004 4:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I watched the first episode and thought it was very stupid. I thought it was the RESPONSIBILITY of every cosmetic surgeon to ensure a patient is making a healthy and rational surgery choice. Apparently, they couldn't care less so long as they get their money. People this obsessed with looking like someone else, need serious psychiatric help. Interesting post  
Date: 6/28/2004 7:21:00 AM  From Authorid: 60089    I don't like that show. It's pretty sad that people have to go through plastic surgery (to look like a celeb) just to accept themselves. I mean, like 5 years from now, they'll probably regret it. I'm with what Luv Bug said. And that episode that featured the transvestite, was sad. In the end, he didn't even look that much like J.Lo and his eyes ended up swelling up I think and had to stay in the hospital for a few days? Honestly, it wasn't worth it. good post <3  

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