Hey everyone. I went to a party tonight that was 5 hours long. Well I ate at like 11:30 this morning. Then I snacked a little here and there but wasnt really hungry at the party. When it was time for us to all come inside to eat, I got up and walked in still talking to my friends, as I walked in the house, I felt this warm blow of air come over me and I started to feel really dizzy and started shaking. I didnt say anything to anyone cause I thought it was because I hadn't eaten in a while. So I got my food and sat down, as I went to pick up this little pizza thing, I dropped it on my plate and started to shake a LOT. My friend was like, "Sarah, are you ok?" I was like "yeah, just a little dizzy. It's ok tho. It's just cause I havent eaten anything for a while." She was like "ok, well eat then!" So I did and I felt a lil better, but as soon as I got outside I started to shake a lot, and I got a real bad headache and my heart was racing. I called my mom and she wanted to know if I wanted to come home and I was like "no, I have like 2 more hours, I'll be fine." So I went back outside and sat on the ledge with my friend Audrey and she looked at me and was like "sarah, are you ok? Your arms and legs are shaking a lot. Did you need to call your mom?" And at that point I couldnt even answer her. All her words were really slured and I was getting really dizzy and the shaking only got worse. She jumped up and got me a glass of water. After I drank like 2 glasses of water and relaxed a little, I felt better. I stopped shaking for the most part, the backyard stopped spining and I could hear and see clearly. My dad said it sounds like I had way too much sugar. I had 2 regular soda's and the tinyest piece of cake in the world. I dont know what's going on. My mom is mad at me right now, so she really doesnt care. She told me that I was just a little light-headed and having just a little too much fun. So I can't talk to her about taking me to the doctor. I really want to go. This has happened before and it's really scary. You have no idea how scary it is, till it happens to you. I just dont know what happened...could it be from too much sugar in my system? Cause I dont reg drink regular soda cause of all the sugar makes me really really hyper, but they didnt have any diet so I just setteled for a regular. But after you drink one, you want another and another etc. So I got another. I dont know what happened, but it was scary!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .