I have returned my friend Shall I tell you what I've seen I saw minds lined along a hill And they were all thinking green But this green they were thinking of Faded into the blue that lingered above
My journey was long My journey was strange I crossed a desert of fiberglass That melted when it rained And the rain that came from above Was the rain the minds were thinking of
The winds kept changing the shape Of the road I walked upon One day it would twist to the right And the next day it was gone The changes; I'm sure, I have no doubt Were what the minds were thinking about
I have brought you nothing back, my friend Except to tell you what I found That gravity is the only thing That keeps me on this ground And all I recall are the minds on the hill And I know they're thinking of me still
Place me on forgotten ground Balanced on the hill Where the minds stood watching They're watching me still
I've come to seek the reason They all think the color green Was it the only paradise That they'd ever seen
I'll stand before they're faces With no eyes there They can't judge me by distance If they don't know I'm here
I'll try my best to make them think Of the color blue But how can I change the minds of reason When no one's taught me to
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .