We all remember the year 1999. And we all remember staying up on December 31st an holding our breaths to see if the world was going to end or if the power grids would fail or something.
And of course we are all still here and still have our toasted waffles, so I guess it wasn't so bad.
But do any of you remember a few months earlier there was another scare?
Programers of Cobalt and other major spftware systems hadn't realized they had stuck a series of numbers as an end-of-process or end-of-file trigger. Thursday, September 9, 1999. 9/9/99 or 99/9/9 could be read as 9999. The very trigger that would make your computer stop processing properly until the next day.
No one remembers? If you do, you are either a programer, a Y2K buff or, like me, have September Ninth as your birthday.
There I was on my birthday, all day waiting for mass panic to be instilled across the world, the ultimate ego trip, and what happens?
Diddly. A crushing blow to my ego. How it changed my life:Made me realize I'm not the uber-powerful mad genius I thought I was. A pity. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 41708 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .