You all have have heard of these big creatures, that lived long time ago, very big, suppose to be fierce, most of them are reptiles. You probably know them as Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs mean terrible lizard. Alot of people, classify, all pre-historic creatures, in the same class, just call them dinosaurs. Alot of them were not really reptiles, which I realize that. Here is the thing, most of the dinosaurs, look alot like the modern day reptiles, the only real difference is this, dinosaurs are bigger. Many evolutionists will admit that dinosaurs are the samething as reptiles today, except they are bigger. The first Dinosaur was an Iguanodon(Sp), because it looked like a giant Iguana(sp), that is really what is was, just an Iguana, but a bigger than normal.
If Dinosaurs were really just the samething as modern day reptiles, just bigger. Then why are they bigger. Keep in mind when Reptiles ar alive, they grow. They never stop growing. Humans, Dogs, Turkeys, Fish, etc. When they will live, then stop growing, then live the rest of their lives. So is there a time, when things lived longer, the answer is YES. Here is how, when oxygen pressure increases, everything lives longer. Here is why, Oxygen Pressure, you are healed quicker and better, you are able to breathe more. Higher oxygen pressure, allows your muscles to be stronger. Other things you can do, you can run quicker, in theory, with a higher oxygen pressure, you can run for 500 mph, for 10 hours and not get tired. Other things in that kind of enviroment you can do, which you cannot do in todays enviroment. There is evidence that the whole earth, was at a higher oxygen pressure. Today it is 20 PSI's. But at one time the presure is 35 PSI's, allowing everything to live longer. Including human beings. At such an eviroment, human beings can live up to 12 hundred years old. Yet there is evidence that such an enviroment did exsist. Here is how, in amber, which is fossilize tree sap, air pockets have been found with 35 PSI's pressure. Alot more oxygen, as well. Which would allow everything to live longer. Reptiles, would live longer, so when dinosaurs keep living they are growing, and never stop growing.
Other Reptiles were also found bigger, like snakes, turtles, Crocodiles, Alligators, Lizards, etc. These things are no different than reptiles today just bigger.
Think about it, look at dinosaur eggs, these things are just about the size of a baseball, at average. Yet how does something at the size of a baseball end up the size of bus, and even bigger. Somehow, these things had to of, lived up to a couple hundred even close to a thousand years old, in order to get to that size.
Not just reptiles can get bigger, so can other animals. Humans would get bigger, they found 14 feet tall humans in fossils. The fossil record does show, such human fossils. Also found were, a 4 foot wingspand Dragonfly, 9 foot tall beaver, 5 foot diameter snail, a 13 foot tall rhino, 8 foot tall deer. Other, animals as well just bigger. Although such animals like these, will stop growing, but the rate of growth will also increase, as well as lifespan. Back to the reptiles, when you are in an enviroment where things grow longer anyways, add to it that you don't stop growing as long as you are alive, when an enviroment like this, think about it for a minute.
Go into a pet store, most of them will have sometype of reptiles, some will have it up two or three feet in length. That is just living 10 years, looking at the same Lizard, what if it were in an enviroment, where it could live like 700-800 years. Would that be a dinosaur.
Don't get me wrong, I believe that some dinosaurs did die off, and are extinct now, but many of them, could be alive today.
So did dinosaurs really die off years and years ago like people say. Did they really?
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