Shamus looked towards the west "Ah yes. There coming back how fortunate for me. Whats a little more blood between friends? HAHAHAHA!!!" With that he rose his arm into the air with a dramatic flair and yelled out "Lightning heed my call!!!!" The lightning arced down from the swirling mass of clouds . The thunder crackled and roared like the call of doom itself. The lightning raced for the headlights in the distance . Shamus grinned knowing that his happless victims didnt have a clue that they were about to be destroyed..... Meanwhile out on the highway our group sits unsuspecting of there impending doom. After sitting in aw of the glowing sphere of light and the swirling clouds kelly gets the car in motion once more. As the car lurches into motion thunder fills the car and everyone is blinded by the light for the lightning strike which landed meer feet behind them. the car lurched once more and accelerated quickly as kelly anticipated another strike of lightning.
"Darn" Shamus cried as the lightning blew chunks out of the road behind the car. "They will not escape me a second time!!" He swept his hand over his head and brought it down and pointed at the car . Once more lightning shot towards the car but this time they were watching for it and he new it. then one after another lightning bolts raced after the car . The lightning made a line of explosions following the path of the car . The first strike was within 20 feet and every strike got a little closer . Thunder filled the air drowning out the screams of the dead. The lightning seemed to have a life of its own and the thunder was its laughter as it chased its prey. it seemed to be toying with them leeding them into even more danger . The lightning would strike left and cause them to swerve away just to find a bolt of lightning in wait.
Kelly swerved to avoid the lightning again . She was beginning to get worn out. First the lightning chased them down blowing up everything behind them giving them no escape route and now it was litteraly driving them like cattle to slaughter . There future looked blek. "You know this really sucks !!" Eric yelled over the thunder. "No kidding." mike yelled back. "Shut up you two!! Were going to get out of this!!" Anna yelled at them both. Both of them stopped talking when they saw the fire burning deep within her eyes. Anna was mad and it was time to shut up. Suddenly the lightning stopped and Kelly brought the car to a stop in what used to be down town. everyone got out of the car and looked in the direction of the cemetery and took a deep breath to calm themselves. "Well are we ready everyone?" Kelly asked. Everyone nodded and started to walk towards there destiny be it for better or worse......