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George W. Bush Skull & Bones *** bad kitty ***

  Author: 42940  Category:(Conspiracy) Created:(3/25/2004 8:08:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (2827 times)

Did you see that little “roast” George W. Bush and his buddies did? I think George W. can sense the majority of the American people have had just about enough of his dictating. You all know what a roast is don’t you? Well, George W. stood up at the podium and in the background, on a big screen, there were candid pictures flashing and then George W. would make a comment. A couple pictures and comments stood out, like the following:

George is facing another man and they both have one hand on the top their head (I have no clue what they were doing). Then George W. says “how did that one get in there? – that’s the Skull and Bones secret handshake” <laughter>

Then they did a couple of George W. looking around in various places and he kept saying things like “looks like they ain’t no weapons of mass destruction over there” <laughter>


George W. for future reference: the war in Iraq – NOT FUNNY!; high gas prices – NOT FUNNY!; unemployment – NOT FUNNY!; the state of the economy – NOT FUNNY! polluting the earth – NOT FUNNY!; foreign policy – NOT FUNNY!; and 9/11 – DON’T EVEN GO THERE!

Now I started to say stick to your day job George W. – but, well - you’re not very good at that either.

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Date: 3/25/2004 8:33:00 AM  From Authorid: 15228    The roast of Bush and his "buddies" is a tradition that many past presidents including Clinton participated in..it was pretty funny considering they were making fun of themselves..and my husband who spent a year in Iraq thought it was pretty funny to....I liked the photo of him playing cards,,he said he was on the way to the G-8 summit and the cards had pictures of all the foreign leaders, which helped to memorize there names..that was funny considering he is called stupid and a moron by the press, canadian/French/German politicians and people who don't agree with his policies on a regular basis..It's called a sense of humor.  
Date: 3/25/2004 8:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 54247    Agree with Kelly - humor was the requirement and the President did end with a serious statement of support and admiration for the troops! Bush is not perfect, but neither am I. Election time gets goofy! Watch your sources of information and validate. RAT
Date: 3/25/2004 9:06:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    Yes Kelly, we all know yours is the perfect all American patriotic family. I saw your little post on your generous tax refund. I wanted to say - income taxes is not the only place we're taxed. From the moment we are born till the day we die (and every place in between) we are taxed. So your argument "if you don't pay income taxes then you have no right to protests" is weak. RAT - What? Watch my sources? I saw this with my own eyes and I am making a commentary.
Date: 3/25/2004 10:11:00 AM  From Authorid: 27403    I saw some of the roast also, and what I said to someone was, "You know, he is such a good looking, charismatic, good ol'boy, it is no wonder the American People have given him the rights to strip them of their privacy, their security, and their money." I can see how he gets away with it, but it is still astounding! Love and Light  
Date: 3/25/2004 12:36:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    And I quote “There are real dangers confronting American imperialism, but they do not arise from small bands of terrorists or the governments of weak and impoverished countries on the other side of the world. These dangers stem from the deepening crisis of world capitalism, and in the ever-intensifying contradictions within the United States between the ultra-wealthy elite, and the vast majority of working people.
Bush could propose nothing on the question of jobs and living standards except more government handouts to the corporations. Despite the glorification of Bush by a cowed and cynical media, and the prostration of the Democratic Party, this administration is isolated and deeply frightened of any genuine opposition. As for the polls and claims of pundits that Bush is wildly popular with the American people, these are merely instruments of political intimidation. In factories and offices, or working class neighborhoods, the general reaction to Bush is one of indifference, suspicion or contempt”

This is no ground for complacency. Opposition will inevitably emerge to the Bush administration and American capitalism, but to be effective it must be based on the development of political consciousness among masses of working people

Date: 3/25/2004 12:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 54247    Bad Kitty: The event disussed was supposed to be one of fun, etc. Granted, I don't particularly enjoy making fun of current problems. But, sometimes we need an occasional laugh. You do need to view all sides of the story. FOX news appears the only media today that broadcasts both sides and all views. BTW, I am 72 years of age and many, many years ago in the 1950s, I served as a WAF in the Air Force and was stationed in the Pentagon (Department of Budget, Mail Center). Many times full information in incoming packages cannot be separated AND, it was the most disgusting assignment I ever had - trying to protect classified information - Pentagon Civil Service personnel and even some military were more interested in their status and would do anything to be able to sit in on classified Budget meetings. But, that is life in the D.C. area. You really do not need to or should even want to know all the details that the President has to consider in his decisions. For a bit of humor, what annoyed me the most is that ranking military members would print their entire proposal as HIGHLY CLASSIFIED when maybe only one page had a sensitive sentence. But, that is life when you want to be in the Head Shed! RAT
Date: 3/25/2004 1:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 62367    I have to say I did not find the President's comments terribly funny but my sense of humor is somewhat influenced by my own political views. If you like Mr. Bush, it was probably very funny. Mr. Bush and his merry company of players are caricatures anyway.  
Date: 3/25/2004 1:54:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    RAT with all due respect – if I wanted a laugh I’d go and see a professional. Now, there’s a lot to be said about living 72 years and all that wisdom you must have gained. Regarding Iraq – Sadaam said he didn’t have WMD. George W. said yes you do – we’ll send the UN. The UN goes in and says “we can’t find any WMD” George W says not good enough we’re going in anyway. George W. goes in and can’t find any WMD. So now what? It’s some kind of joke?

What about 9/11? George W. didn’t know al Quada (sp?) was a menacing danger? According to Richard Clark he was told just about everyday.

The truth will never be told, especially now that George W. has put into motion an executive order blocking the public’s right to know the truth. see my post “Beginning of the End of the Constitution”. We can make all the excuses in the world for George W. and his administration – actions speak louder than words.
Date: 3/25/2004 1:56:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    Thanks for your comment Peridot Cat. On a side note - is your astrological sign a Leo?
Date: 3/25/2004 2:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 62367    The government has a nasty habit of classifying information that can be seen in the newspaper. It's when in doubt, classify it. Obviously some information must be classified. Information like who sat in on energy policy meetings with Mr. Cheney is not among them. I spent most of my professional life working with classified information so I do know what I am talking about. A document can be unclassified on every page but one paragraph. The entire document must hold the classification of the classified paragraph.  
Date: 3/25/2004 2:12:00 PM  From Authorid: 50678    OUr gas prices are high because Texas receved a worring that a terrorist attack could be possible through other oil companies. Or something like that. There is a new article on yahoo news. NOT EVERYTHING IS BECAUSE OF BUSH!!!  
Date: 3/25/2004 2:32:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    Thanks Peridot Cat. SOTL: I've been keeping track of the many excuses for the sky high gasoline prices. "Texas receved a worring that a terrorist attack could be possible through other oil companies" - I'll have to add that to my list. I was wondering when they were going to link it to 9/11. NOT EVERYTHING IS BECAUSE OF 9/11, although that's what the government would like you to believe.
Date: 3/25/2004 3:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 35720    I don't like Bush. I think he's arrogant and to tell the truth, I don't think he has the best intentions for the country either. I think he looks out way too much for himself and not enough for the Americans he's supposed to represent and SERVE. I don't like his invasions of MY privacy cleverly named as the "Patriot Act" (so we're not patriotic if we don't go along with it I presume?) and I certainly don't like his little games used simply to please Daddy and make himself go down in the textbooks. I despise Bush's cronies too.. such butt kissers.   
Date: 3/25/2004 6:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 49150    Bush is an evil man. His family fortune was made financing Hilter and the Nazi's. Give's you a warm, fuzzy, want to throw up kinda feeling.  
Date: 3/25/2004 6:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 62367    Bad Kitty, I am a Leo.  
Date: 3/25/2004 7:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 27403    Well, BadKitty, I am not a Leo, I am a Libra, and you must know it is pretty bad for a Libra to get off the fence and take a side. And, I am a Native Texan. But, this man named Geo.W.Bush scares me. I feel that he and his cronies have just pulled the blinders over millions of people, and they are going to do it again. Do you realize how much money big corporation and big oil can make a war chest? Thanks for spreading the word! Love and Light  
Date: 3/25/2004 7:35:00 PM  From Authorid: 50864    Hi, Kelly this Skull and Bones stuff is making me crazy. Have you seen the Bush/Kerry Buttons someone made in reference to that. I got one on my Kerry list and my friend Anette got one on her Bush list. Some nut has taken both men's pictures and combined them on one button with a little skull and cross bones at the top in between them. What a waste of time  
Date: 3/25/2004 9:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    Gotta agree, and add moe, Bush has not attended one single memorial service or funeral for any soldiers killed in action during his presidency.
While the Pentagon scrambled for cover by saying the "no images" policy has been in effect since 1991, it was ignored
until March 2003, just before we invaded Iraq. In 1998 President Clinton went to Andrews Air Force Base to see the
coffins of Americans killed in the terrorist bombing in Nairobi. And TV images were allowed of the homecoming caskets
after the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in 2000. But Bush? Nah! To him these young people are just cannon fodder. Or
I guess in today’s terms, missile fodder. He doesn’t care. His own family is quite safe. I could keep going, and may....depends

But why are over 400 of our soldiers (not to mention thousands of innocent Iraqis) dead in the first place? Oh, that’s right.
I almost forgot. WMD. Saddam Hussein had thousands upon thousands of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and was in a
position to attack, by surprise, any European nation in a mere 45 minutes! So how come no one’s talking about those
WMD anymore? They were, after all, the only reason we invaded Iraq, remember? Shouldn’t we have found them by now?
After several months of looking, and finding zilch, the Bush Mob switched tactics and said well, we had to oust the cruel
tyrant, Hussein, so it was worth the invasion just for that. Bullsquash. I don’t know about you, but I am extremely
disturbed that the Bush Administration could get away with changing the reasons for invading a sovereign nation AFTER
the invasion. This isn’t a game of Spit-in-the-Ocean poker where the wild cards are changed at random
Date: 3/25/2004 9:08:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    add *more*, gotta take it slow, some of those comments just open the door... and I rip loose.  
Date: 3/25/2004 9:17:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    It’s like Groundhog Day. Saddam sticks his head out
of a hole in the ground and we get four more years of Bush."

And you can bet that before the next election Ole bin Laden will be "found." But how does possession of Saddam at this late
date help our position one way or another? It will not bring back our dead nor endear us to the Iraqis, let alone the rest of
the world, and we are no safer than 9/11, are we? What will be our October surprise?
Date: 3/26/2004 7:11:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    Thank you all for standing up and letting your voice be heard - regardless of whether you agree with me or not. *** bad kitty ***
Date: 3/28/2004 2:50:00 PM  From Authorid: 28989    I have a hard time even looking at Bush on TV. I don't see a caring, thoughtful man there, but a cold, calculating one. I don't like his politics, either. I can't wait until he's dethroned.  
Date: 3/30/2004 8:31:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    I feel the same way Canoe I can't hardly stand to look at him either. However, I want to hear the next stupid thing that comes out of his mouth and I can't help but look up and see his face.
Date: 3/30/2004 5:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    I guess this is one post that only looks at one side of any issue dealing with Bush. I disagree and I WILL be voting for him in November since I realize that what is said about someone and their intentions is purely OPINION and negativity aimed at distroying their character. Bush receives all this credit for any dirogatory but everyone overlooks the fact that he's seen more garbage and pain in one term then most presidents ever see in two.  
Date: 3/31/2004 2:23:00 PM  From Authorid: 54247    Thank you, YOUCHOOSE - don't think anyone can understand how difficult a job the Presidency is - I am very proud of this President! RAT
Date: 4/2/2004 6:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    RAT....thank you, it's good to know that someone understands my perspective.  
Date: 4/4/2004 9:42:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    Well he's also caused a lot of pain and turmoil, not only for Americans, but world wide. So there!
Date: 4/4/2004 2:18:00 PM  From Authorid: 54247    Any President causes pain daily - whether the recipient deserves it or not! You do know that the longer US Presidents wait before getting involved in wars, the more Americans will die! Look at WWII. I remember. RAT
Date: 4/5/2004 10:45:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    You Choose & RAT how about one of you or both come up with the good things George W. Bush and his administration have done this past 4 years?
Date: 4/6/2004 5:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 54247    Thanks, Bad Kitty. I just posted my opinions, "Response to G W Bush Skull and Bones" Isn't are country great when we can disagree and still be friends? RAT
Date: 4/8/2004 10:05:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 42940    Absolutely!
Date: 4/8/2004 7:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 34487    Easy....he was the first president to sign the NATIONAL Amber Alert program for immediate use, he was the first president to throw Saddam Hussein off from his VERY undeserved and abused thrown of torchure, he ACTUALLY endangered his own life on Thanksgiving by taking the time to spend the holiday with troops to prove his appreciation and among MANY things...this is the first time my family has received any EXTRA change from our government, what I'm speaking of are the 2 checks of reimbursment issued to all American families over the past 3 years. I know that extra cash helped us out! For many more examples refer to comments given by BASE on this post: ehttp://unsolvedmysteries.com/usm375150.html  

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