Friday morning, Carolyn leaped out of her red convertible and rushed through the busy halls of her school, heading straight to Milbert’s locker. She was happy to find him waiting there with a paper full of math problems. “Thanks for doing my work, see ya around,” she said quickly, ready to hurry off to her first hour. “Wait!” he cried after her. “I have something else for you!” Ugh, what now?? She wondered. He held out a folded up piece of paper. Probably another note. She forced a smile before turning to leave. “Dork-Boy better not start getting any ideas,” she mumbled as she made her way towards her Earth Science class. “He probably thinks I actually like him. Pathetic, really.” She glanced around nervously, hoping no one had seen her passing notes with Milbert.
Carolyn considered tossing the note into the trash as she entered the room, but her curiosity got the better of her. She grabbed a seat in the back and unfolded the note on top of her desk. “Carolyn, I know you’ve been having some difficulties in school lately. I’m sure you’re also aware that I have a rather high IQ. Well, I’d like to help you. I’m willing to do ALL of your homework assignments—every last one. Think about it: you’ll never have to lift a finger at school again, and you’ll be achieving excellent scores in every class.” Carolyn nearly fainted. Was he kidding?! There had to be a catch somewhere. “There is, however, something I must ask of YOU. A small favor, if you will. I am willing to do all of your homework IF and ONLY IF you agree to pretend to be my girlfriend at school.” So that’s what this is all about! Carolyn thought bitterly. Why must I always suffer to get what I want?? “I’ve drawn up a few simple rules and regulations for our agreement:
1. You must come to my locker after every class.
2. Hand-holding is required at all times.
3. You must tell anyone who asks that we ARE indeed a couple.
Breaking any of these rules will result in the termination of our agreement. Think about it, Carolyn. It’s a small price to pay for what you’ll be receiving.” She stared at the paper in shock. Milbert had even gone so far as to leave a blank for her signature, like a real legal contract or something. “This is ridiculous!!” she whispered fiercely. She would never, ever agree to something so stupid…would she? She imagined all the people she could impress with her report card if Milbert was doing all her homework for her. She imagined guys admiring her brains for once, instead of her body—something she had always secretly dreamed of. Sure, I’m beautiful, she thought. But imagine all the power that could be mine if only I had the other half of the package.
By the end of the hour, she knew what she had to do. Being Milbert’s “girlfriend” would be a disgusting, degrading, humiliating job—but heck, somebody had to do it. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 31048 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .