So I really want to get my license. It's so weird because well, I must have gone to the DOL place about 5 times this month. Each time I'm scheduled for a drive test, something weird happens. One time, my mom had a bad dream that I got into a car crash so she rescheduled. One time, I couldn't because there was a storm. Then another time, the DOL messed up my schedule and signed me up on the wrong day.
So I just thought nothing of it until today. I was waiting for the test lady to come. She told me to push the brakes. I did. Then, she told me I couldnt take the test becuz my right brake light wasnt working. Which really sucks. And then when I left the place, the light started working again. On top of that, each day I'm scheduled for a drive test, it's really windy and rainy. I guess thats Seattle weather for ya BUT STILL! How it changed my life:I guess...somebody really doesn't want me to drive. Ha. Ha. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 30647 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .