Date: 2/26/2004 2:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 16845
My high school had ALOT of problems in the 1996-1997 school year....our mascot was/is the the pep cheer everyone did was 'go big black' Anyway...the year before I entered (Fall 1997 is when I entered)....there was this HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE hoopla over it...the entire school is racist...blah blah blah the media put up a huge stink about it....I don't remember all the details of it...just that when they found out that the student body class president was hispanic they backed off really fast LOL.....Another one of the local schools mascot was an indian....and they thought that was just totally inappropriate so they had to get rid of their indian and adopted some other thing...I really have no clue what it is now LOL an Animated 'A' or something I think...*Shakes head*  |
Date: 2/26/2004 2:59:00 PM
From Authorid: 59266
It like this n a lot of places, if not every high school in america. I observe this same stuff happennig at my HS..... sad, really  |
Date: 2/26/2004 3:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 50864
It seems to be that way all over and it is sad. Some people of all ethnic groups try todevide and cause problems I work with a mixture of people black white, Mexican Indian, Columbian, Panamanian and Phillipeno.. And for so reaso someone also has to start something racial and cause problems. I see that there are good and bads sides to all. for example one of the Mexican gals is really lazy, I am a bitter angry person, one of the black girls is a drunk the Panamanian is a spoiled girl the Indian guy is super lazy and so on but also that same lazy girl is very generous and always brings back gifts for all from Mexicao when she goes the balck girl tells the funniest stories. I give rides to people all the time the Panamanian is always ready to translate for one girl who has poor English. And the Indian guy is great to talk to about world politics. So I just wish all could see that people are people.  |
Date: 2/26/2004 3:18:00 PM
From Authorid: 33401
My High school is pretty much an all white population 1% of it is African American which is a shame. The thing I noticed is that no one is sensitive, kids use the N and W words without a care in the world it makes me angry. Then another thing is people make stupid jokes about Jews (I have a Jewish history) so on behalf of me and my relatives I get very heated and I want to go on a rampage. I think some kids need some disapline or at least taught it's wrong to do and say those things. Love,  |
Date: 2/26/2004 3:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 15675
Sadly this is all over as Mrs. Strider said. I'm white but when I was growing up I lived all over and very early on in life I was around a lot of African American people and a little black boy was my best friend tell I was 4 (and we moved.) But ever since then I have lived in mostly 'white' places and I see a lot of these kids know nothing of diversity. A lot of kids like to use the 'n' word and a lot as Farlo said like to make fun of jews. I think its sooooo sad I mean there are stereotypes and I can see them so clearly. I thankfully live near that diverse area again but in my town its all whites. When I mention finding black guys attractive I get heck for it from my family (not my mom though shes very open minded.) And the races keeping together I have seen that too. Ooh and I find mexican racisim is going up especially in my old town where there was a lot of mexican immigrants. The reason though I can understand: most of those mexicans are lazy, drug peddling, alcholics who demand rights they dont deserve. Now dont get me wrong I know not all mexicans are that way but the ones in that town are and thats how those people see ALL mexicans which is just awful! We need more tolerance and diversity in this world .  |
Date: 2/26/2004 3:59:00 PM
From Authorid: 62423
Yes that is racism, and it's really hard to avoid at any highschool. Don't listen to what your friends said, they are sterotyping, and it makes me sick. I think it is great that you care about your grades and want to get into a good college, and I wish you the best of luck. ~4moons  |
Date: 2/26/2004 5:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 18527
I had the big problem of being half Colombian and half Irish American. So the white kids thought I was latino, the latinos thought I was white. I just found the geeks who didn't care where I was from and stuck with them!  |
Date: 2/26/2004 5:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 62367
I graduated from a high school in Iowa with 1700 students with only 50 black students in that mix. There was a lot of tension in the early 70's. Two of the girls (black), I knew, were active in student government but some of the other black kids got on them for that. These kids thought blacks should hang out with blacks.  |
Date: 2/26/2004 7:30:00 PM
From Authorid: 24732
LOL Talk about racist schools, once I was looking at a yearbook from 1987 from the school I went to and there was a two page spread of the National Honor Society Slavery Day, there were pictures of students dressed in white sheets and others had their faces painted black and were wearing loin cloths. Supposedly they had a slave auction to raise money, but it looked more like a KKK convention to me. I was slightly shocked, but then I remembered the town I live in. If they did anything like that now the school would probably get shut down or something though.  |