WhyyyyY?!?! Why does it have to be like this?!?! *cries* GOD!! WHY CANT SHE SEE THAT THE PERSON SHES LYING TO IS MY FRIEND!!! and now she doesnt trust me! Everythings ruined!!! She wont TRUST me anymore!!! I made her sad! More than she is already!! AND I BETRAYED HER!!!! I didnt mean to, coz i didnt do anything! NOW ITS ALL RUINED! I WANT EVERYTHING TO BE OVER! DONT BE HER FRIEND! SHES MY FRIEND! NOT URS! GO AWAY! UR RUINING EVERYTHING! GO AWAY!!!
Waah! *cries* I needed to vent, im sorry, i had to! This is a venting post! Whoevers got something on his mind, just let it all out! You dont need to say what it is. Thank you. You can delete this post...i just wanted to let it all out..
WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!?!?! *cries* You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 23886 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .