If I learned anything since I've been your girlfriend it was love, trust, loyalty and the true meaning of life.
Before you, I used to get my heart broken left and right. I finally got sick of the pain, So I became the heart breaker instead of the one heart broken. I became cold and heartless. I allowed myself to slip once, only to be used, But I cought myself before I got hurt.
Before you, "Trust" wasn't in my vocabulary. It wasn't in my character, or my way of life. Besides from then broken hearts, Broken promises sent my trust down the drain. Every promise was the same to me, Broken. It's kinda hard to trust people when they all say the same thing. Just like a broken record, they promised the samething over and over again, each one worst then the last. I could never trust a boy long enough to have a real relationship with them. They told me they loved me, I never knew of such a word, and I guess they never knew the meaning.
Before you, I cheated on my boyfriends. Remember the heart breaker not the heart broken. Why only have 1 when I could have 2 maybe even 3. It was all a game to me. But instead of the one being played I was the player. I was more fun that way.
Before you, I was depressed because I hadn;t found love, I was alone because I never trusted so I just shut them out. And I was hated by most guys because I either broke their heart or their best friends hearts.
Then you came, I knew you would be different. I knew you were special, You had that sparkle in your eyes, and it wasn't from your eyes being glazed because you were high. So I gave you a chance. You saved me from myseld, and I thank you with all of my heart, Im so glad I saved those "special first's" for you, and I dont know what I'd do with out you.
12 Lost Souls: Basically Im spilling my guts out to my boyfriend, Hope you like it. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 56446 ( Click here )
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