Greetings.. :)
This post continues from my recent post found at:
We went out ghost hunting again last night. (acutally around 2am this morning). We brought along our video camera, digital camera, compass, thermoter and tape recorder. For some reason, our video camera was acting up so we ended up taking it back home so that we didn't have to carry it. It was fully charged when we left the house with it, but some reason, it kept saying low batteries.
We got to Whispering Woods and all of us walked deep into the park together. Rich and I walked one way while the other two walked the other way and we would meet up at the middle of the park. We ended up meeting the guys more than half way than we planned to and met at one of the small bridges there.
Daniel had went on his own up over the hills that takes him further into the park and just stood there. I started to record with the tape recorder while Rich went around taking pictures with my digital camera. (The digital camera was also acting up as well. It was full with charged batteries and it soon died after a few pics were taken. We also put in another pair of fresh batteries and the same thing had happened. All batteries died and they were all new)
From a short distance, both Rich and I started to hear a lot of whisperings. We couldn't make any of it out because it was so faint. Everyone but me have seen more shadows lurking around the park. They were hiding behind trees and running around. There was also a white figure not too far from where Daniel was standing but it quickly vanished as soon Daniel was heading back towards us.
Daniel then came back to us saying that he saw a big shadow run past him and he wanted to go to another part of the park. So he did, he went over towards the larger bridge and he was there for about ten minutes or so.
Mike, Rich and I stayed behind by the small bridge, trying to understand what the whispersing where saying but still couldn't make them out. Rich and Mike looked toward where Daniel was and they both saw a huge black shadow standing on the big bridge just staring at us.
Then daniel came back towards us and Rich said that there were two black shadows walking with Daniel. One on each side of them, then they disappeared. We all walked towards the big bridge and waited there for a while. Took more photos and recordings.
Mike started to get really cold and started to chatter like crazy which was pretty weird because he never gets cold like that. And another weird thing was that I wasn't cold because I'm the one that's usually chattering but I was warm. Mike couldn't stop chattering until we all were out of the park. As we walked away from the park, both Rich and I heard a faint female's voice weeping.
We got home and checked out the pictures of what we were able to get. We got a couple interesting photos that I will put up along with our last photos as soon as I get them uploaded. I wasn't able to hear anything from the tape recorded, I still have to finish listening to the rest of the tape.
We won't be able to go ghost hunting again until near the end of the week. And this time, we will bring more batteries and other gears with us. We're thinking about being the Ouija board with us as well, but not sure of it yet. How it changed my life:Hasn't changed anything. Still curious of why the spirit was crying. Also, Daniel did also say that he could tell that something out there was afraid of something, but wasn't sure what it was scared of. He could sense it.... But yea.. Once I get the photos uploaded, I will share them as soon as I can. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 53909 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .