Torn to the verge of letting go disappointed in your life style have lost your one and only he who stood so firm was your protection from birth now lye six feet under
pushed off the cliff forced to be with another a burdon before he left now your soal support she was the death of him now to be the death of you
losing your mind have lost control running mayhame all over going twards the wrong path forget them all I hate you
then he like a knight in shinning armer come to save me to show me another world yet one ive been to before but with him its different
This time i belive in him
he is in the words i speek the roses i smell the happyness i see the love to my touch Orlando strong and soal hearted deeply rooted in his thoughts but bubbly enough to smile to my dorky self
Orlando his soft lips, lushis as i kiss him and tell him I love you...
This is me, from the bottom the past to the present and the future....
well, has yet to be written......(this is the part when you let your thoughts run wild ^_^)
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .