On Tuesday, February 3rd a tragic accident happened on a crosswalk on Tranquille Street, in Kamloops BC. 5 young boys, crossing on the crosswalk were hit by an 85 year old driver, speeding through a red light. 2 of these boys walked away not injured, 1 had minor injuries, and 2 died at the scene of the addicent. Mike Young, 16 and Josh Guido, 17 both had their lives tragically taken from them, at no fault of their own. Witnesses have said that the boys had the right of way, and that the 85 year old driver sped right through the red light, hitting them. Josh was dragged half a block underneath the jeep, while Mike got thrown over the jeep. Kevin Stack, the boy who was injured had his leg run over.
What I don't understand is the fact that when the 85 year old man, realized that he hit someone or something, why he didn't slam on his breaks? Instead of driving for half a block before actually stopping...his vehicle had an inspection done, to see if anything was mechanically wrong with it, and there wasn't. There also wasn't any alcohol involved. The man was taken into custody on Tuesday night, but let out a few hours later. The police are unable to charge the man with anything, until further investigation.
When you hear about tragic accidents on TV, or wherever it may be, its always sad to hear when someone dies. But I guess it doesn't actually hit you unless you know the person. I didn't know Josh, but I knew Mikey from Elementary School, and from a few times that he's been at parties that I've been to. It just makes me so angry that because of the fault and mistakes of someone else, 2 young innocent boys were tragically taken away from us. I just hope that this is an eyeopener to many people, please be more careful when your on the road, or whatever it is that your doing. You never know what can happen with one stupid mistake.
I just ask you all to please keep Mikey and Josh in your thoughts and prayers, for they are in a better place now, and hopefully I will get to see them again someday soon. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 35109 ( Click here )
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