Hi everyone! :)
See, long time ago, I had this dream, I was entering to a rather big church, it seemed like a medieval church in a foreign country... as i was walking inside, i saw lots of elderly people wearing elegant coats, sitting in the church benches, then i look towards the altar and there he was.... my groom to be, waiting for me with a huge smile in his face, suddenly i look at myself, i am wearing a wedding dress, then i freaked out, cuz i had no bf at the moment, looked around, none of the members of my family, nor friends not familiar faces there, only a bunch of elegant strangers...When i reached the altar he took my hand, i saw him in the eye, he looked so happy, but wait, i didn't know this guy!!!! He was good looking but still a total stranger, ad i was about to marry him!!!! The ceremony started, we were listenig to the priest's lecture, when i looked at my groom, then, to my surprise.... he was a 14 year old boy!!!!! Not a grown up!!!! I woke up, scared, surprised, puzzled... I recall myself looking everywhere for the boy i saw in y dreams... never saw him, i started to look in magazines, maybe he was a rising star i never heard of, nothing i found.... Years went by and i forgot about the subject, then, one fine day.... i was in my school, i needed to make a phone call, and i glanced some people sitting next to the payphone (near to principal's office), i was attempting to dial when i noticed someone sitting really close to the phone, so when i was about to give him a 'move away' look, i couldn't help to stare at him, for so long, he reminded me of somenone...he stood up and walked away with an 'i don't intend hear your conversation over the phone'face then i hung up, without even making my phone call and followed him, then looked at him once more and left.... Soon after i heard there were new exchage students... i don't know how, but we ended up being close friends, finally, i remembered, he was the boy i saw in my dreams a few years ago!!!! I got really nervous,specially cuz something was growing inside us, we would go out so often, people at school was gossiping about us, the last time i ever saw him, he was asking me to go with him to his country (Sweden), to give it a try,i chickened out, when we said goodbye that day, he held me really tight, he made a noise like 'im gonna miss you' or something..... i never saw him again.... he had gone back to his country long before his exchange year was over.... i felt sad but remained friends with the other exchange students, hte first three months he would tell me how sald his town looked, how lonely he felt and things like that.... evetually i lost touch with him.... My question is why did i dream of him years before i met him? Do dreams really come true? Do i have a special talent? what do you think???
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .