Hello everyone;
I feel a bit shy for sharing this with you but i really need your opinion, Three years ago i met this boy, he was in my class, but never really talked to him until we had to work in groups during the class, and, yeah, he was in my group, he was so cool, talking a lot to me, specially about music, which i really enjoy, i kind of sensed a bit of chemistry there, after that class, we would sit together and talk a lot, and exchange cds and so on, i didn' realize when, but almost a year had passed and we were closer than ever, i was spending so much time with him and not with my friends,he would hug me strongly, he once even kissed my cheek really close to my mouth, everybody got to think we were more than friends, i was actually waiting for him to make a move, he gave me a cd i've been wanting to buy for my b-day, he would get jealous of other boys talking to me... So i really thought he wanted me as a gf, suddenly my friends told me not to spend so much time with him... so i started to go more with my friends and turn him down on invitations, not all of them, i just tried to find a balance between him and my other friends, so one fine day i saw a girl saluting him so friendly, like they have been friens for a while, she was even flirty with him, and he flirted back, i felt jealous and dizzy, probably i was mostly surprised, eventually he started to ignore me... for her!!! It broke my heart but i tried to move on, he would insist on us being friends and not loosing touch so i only contacted him on e-mail, he would ask me out, i would refuse and so on, one day i asked him out since long time had passed when we last saw each other, next thing i realized, he had a gf and she was mad at me over the e-mail, turns out she knew his psswd and had read my invitation, he never told me he had a gf, so i was really surprised, she kept writing rather ugly things to me, things like "move on, accept the fact that he prefers me over you" and uglier things, of course i quit writing not until i told him how mean his gf was to me, then i didn't write to him anymore, until last summer, he started to write again, so friendly, like nothing had happened, then he made a compiled cd (some of my favorite songs, which i didn't have) and used that as an excuse to go out together, i really kept turning him down till he said, come on let's go out, dont you want!!! So i agreed after three months of him begging me. when we finally met he tried to hug me, but i stopped him, then we went to have dinner together, and he kept inquiring about my sex life, like he wants to make sure im still a virgin, what does he care??? Please guys i really need your opinion on the subject, cuz i don't know what to think or do about it.... Thank you all!!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 33158 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .