I don't know what but in every poem I write I want to write bad words in all of them to explain my feelings (I guess you know now that I usually feel crappy all the time) but I am going to try for once to write one using non-vulgar offensive language this time. Here goes!
It burns as if satan's crippled fingers were tearing at my insides there is something boiling in me, and gnashing at my flesh, feeding on enough blood to fill the Red Sea. My whole body grows numb, my heart turns to stone, I stare into space, Despite everyone around me I still feel alone. Inside I am screaming for someone to rescue me, I want to make someone feel as horrid as I, I want my cries to be heard and my tears to be seen, How can I keep this hidden for so long, What a sad pathetic life.
I don't know why but I can't write poetry unless it's angry. I can't write mushy stuff cuz I've tried. Enjoy! Hehe!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .