The rain upon this stone Fill the empty crevices Of the engravings of the epitaph
The dirt is disturbed Uprooted earth Feeding it new life As my lifeless frame remains Unsaved
It is deteriorating into that from whence all men came If it could stay the same If death was but a fantasy And immortality was certain To take down the final curtain Raise the body from death’s grip Because souls rise not within the foggy mist
The rain pours down Like is its sound As it crashes to the ground All we once knew is but a mirage in the mist Along with thoughts we treasure Thoughts we soon dismiss
Like a spectral realization The rejuvenation Of the rain seeping into the earth Quenching the thirst Of a long since buried throat You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 59266 ( Click here )
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