Here's a maxim that I have adopted over the last few years: "Anyone can swear. But it takes a real person NOT to."
When my sisters started having kids, I made a point to clean up my language. Now, when I drop a cup or stub my toe, any number of epithets escape my lips. One of my favorites is, "Bandersnatch!" It's a mythical beast from Lewis Carroll's famous poem, Jabberwocky.
"Shyzzerkayten" is another one, which I made up out of Scrabble tiles drawn at random!
"Bracken" is another good one. It's heather found growing in England and Scotland, rough & stickery.
Do I get strange looks? Sure. But most people seem to sense that I'm withholding rough language, and they seem to appreciate it. And, it doesn't add to noise pollution.
My niece and nephews smile when their uncle--me--stumbles and mutters a strange word, but a smile is preferable to wide eyes and gasps at a foul word.
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