The visions that dance, All around my head, Make me feel that, I should be dead, Dead, Die, Death, Goodbye, I seem happy, But am not, I seem fine, I hurt a lot, I cut, I bleed, I dont choose to, It's what I need, I don't expect, You to understand, I can't deal with things, That are at hand, I will cut, you'll get mad, That then leads, To me being sad, Blood will drip, Down my arm, It doesn't hurt me, But you it might harm, Let me say goodbye, Please do not fight me, I'm so depressed, Why cant you see? My family are drunks, So why aren't I, It would make life better, And help me get by, No matter what I do, A hidden message is sent, Even if I tell my family, That's not what I meant, So as I said, I'll miss you all, From partying, To hanging out at the pool hall, But you won't miss me, You won't notice I'm not here, So take that shot, Or drink your beer, Celebrate for me, That fact I got out, I have realized. What life's about, It's about death, And about pain, How long, Can you refrain, Scream, or yell, Punch and kick, What people do, Can make you sick, So drive drunk, Smoke that bowl, Drop that tab, Or just roll, Point is, Life's a witch, Enjoy it, Find your nitch, It's over for me, And I'm done, So party up, And have fun, Remember me, Once a year, If you loved me, Shed a tear, So I'm done, I'm out, I found out what life, Was actually about.
"Some do it fast, and some do it better in smaller amounts."
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