Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, was home to Rocky and Bullwinkle.
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), the first film featuring the character Indiana Jones, was crawling with four-, eight-, and no-legged creatures:
- Number of boas, cobras and pythons used in the film: 7,500
- Number of tarantulas: 50
- Source of the name "Indiana Jones": it was the name of producer George Lucas' pet Malamute.
The first ever televised murder case appeared on TV in 1955, Dec. 5-9. The accused was Harry Washburn.
Twentieth Century-Fox studio cut all scenes showing physical contact between America's curly-haired darling Shirley Temple and Bill "Bojangles" Robinson in "The Little Colonel" in 1934 to avoid social offense and to assure wide U.S. distribution. Pre-release showings of the film, particularly in the southern U.S., shocked audiences when the two actors touched fingers during their famous staircase dance sequence.
Beaver Cleaver graduated in 1953.
On Beaver Cleaver's US tour, he visited Albuquerque on a Tuesday.
Muppets creator Jim Henson first created Kermit in 1955 - as a lizard. He was made from Henson's mother's coat and two halves of a Ping-Pong ball (no flipper feet or eleven-point collar).
The person who performs the Muppets - Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Animal, and Grover is Frank Oz. Oz is also the voice of Star Wars Yoda. By the way, his real name is Frank Oznowicz.
The 1997 Jack Nicholson film - "As Good As It Gets", is known in China as "Mr. Cat Poop".
Of the six men who made up the Three Stooges, three of them were real brothers (Moe, Curly and Shemp.)
The writers of The Simpsons have never revealed what state Springfield is in.
A theater manager in Seoul, Korea felt that The Sound of Music was too long, so he shortened it by cutting out all the songs.
Bruce was the nickname of the mechanical shark used in the "Jaws" movies.
The original title of the musical "Hello Dolly!" was "Dolly: A Damned Exasperating Woman." Why did they change it? The original had such music, poetry, and pizzazz.
Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
A two hour motion picture uses 10,800 feet of film. Not including the previews and commercials.
For many years, the globe on the NBC Nightly News spun in the wrong direction. On January 2, 1984, NBC finally set the world spinning back in the proper direction.
In the Mario Brothers movie, the Princess' first name is Daisy, but in Mario 64, the game, her first name is Peach. Before that, it's Princess Toadstool.
"60 Minutes" is the only show on CBS that doesn’t have a theme song.
Dooley Wilson appeared as Sam in the movie Casablanca. Dooley was a drummer - not a pianist in real life. The man who really played the piano in Casablanca was a Warner Brothers staff musician who was at a piano off camera during the filming.
The TV sitcom Seinfeld was originally named "The Seinfeld Chronicles". The pilot which was broadcast in 1989 also featured a kooky neighbor named Kessler. This character later became known as Kramer.
In the movie 'Now and Then', when the girls are talking to the hippie (Brenden Fraser), and they get up to leave, Teeny (Thora Birch) puts out her cigarette twice.
In Hitchcock’s movie, "Rear Window", Jimmy Stewart plays a character wearing a leg cast from the waist down. In one scene, the cast switches legs, and in another, the signature on the cast is missing.
In the movie "Two Jakes," which is set in the 1940's, Jack Nicholson walks right by a BankOne automatic teller machine. Didn't know there were too many of those around in the 1940's.
In the movie "Bustin' Loose" where Richard Pryor and Cicely Tyson take a group of underprivileged kids to the west coast, the car in which Cicely Tyson's boyfriend is pursuing them changes interior color from red to white and then back to red several times.
In the movie Ghost (Patrick and Demi) when Demi is making something on the pottery wheel her hands are covered in clay. But when her husband comes up behind her to give her a kiss she turns around and they are completely clean.
In Forrest Gump, when Forrest goes to see Jenny toward the end, in one scene, in Jenny's apartment, the iron is up, later, the iron is faced down steaming. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62433 ( Click here )
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