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Date: 1/31/2004 8:09:00 PM
From Authorid: 16671
"ASk PammyJO, she is JW, she can tell you. ![]() |
Date: 1/31/2004 8:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 32193
ok.. my best friend is a witness.. they celebrate NOTHING.. not christmas, birthdays, thanksgiving, easter.. no holidays... ![]() |
Date: 1/31/2004 8:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 32193
if you have any questions about their religion, feel free to PM me and ask me, and ill try to answer it the best i can and ask my friend for you if i dont know the answer ![]() |
Date: 1/31/2004 8:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 27403
I don't know about no Thanksgiving, but I know they do not celebrate Christmas (as we do not really know the day Jesus was born, I believe) and they do not celebrate birthdays. The do not recite the Pledge of Allegiance (Geez, I just cannot spell) because they feel it is swearing fealty to the flag and country above allegiance to God. ANd they do not believe in killing or blood transfusions. Ummm.......but, they do seem to be a rather peaceful people and some of my relatives have been Jehovah Witness, but I never have. Hope this helps, and I am sure a Witness will come on and know if some of this is wrong. But, I think it is right. Love and Light ![]() |
Date: 2/1/2004 5:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 10915
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. We do not celebrate Christmas nor any holidays because we do not find any of them to be of christian origin. Most have stemmed from paganistic background if one were to do the research on them. Lightworker, we do not celebrate Thanksgiving because it is still a traditional holiday that is based on the tradition of man and we can't forget the vile act committed against Native Americans for why that day even exist. Besides, thanksgiving is something that should be given to God everyday. Not just one time of year. As far as why those of the Catholic faith are living their faith to join in the JW's faith, I would say that is up to the individual. However, I am suspecting that having read up on the unsavory history of the Catholic religion and having come to an accurate and reasonable understanding of the bible and knowing who the true God is and his son, Jesus Christ, that could be a reason why they have left. They also could have also probably gained the meaning of the scripture seen the scripture in Revelations 18:4 that tells one to "get out of her (meaning Babylon the Great, the empire of false religion) if you do not want to share with her in her sins and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." PamyJo did a couple of posts on the the description of this harlot (Revelations 17:1-8)I have to go for a moment, but I or probably PamyJo will contribute a bit more information regarding our beliefs. ![]() |
Date: 2/1/2004 6:46:00 AM
From Authorid: 53961
Ask PamyJo. My philosophy on religion is, if you want to know about a certain religion then ask a person who is an active follower of that religion. I wouldn't want to give you my secondhand heresays. ![]() |
Date: 2/4/2004 7:40:00 PM
From Authorid: 13952
unsavory history... a little harsh...wouldnt you say girlie............ ![]() |
Date: 2/5/2004 11:19:00 AM
From Authorid: 10915
Harsh? That's putting it mildly IMO. ![]() |
Date: 2/6/2004 8:58:00 PM
From Authorid: 13952
girlie...I dont want to argue with you but your faiths history has some large blemishes... ![]() |
Date: 2/7/2004 5:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 10915
Jim, I do not and will not argue when it comes to faith, the bible, etc. I am very much aware of who you are or used to be and trust me, I am not in the least bit intimidated by whatever past history. I do not look into the past. I look at the present and the hopeful future and it doesn't deter my faith in anyway. I know of the God that I serve. This post asked a question to Jehovah's Witnesses and I was doing just that in the best way as possible. So your attempt at an argument is VERY irrelevant to this post and I have nothing to say to you and I do believe you know why that is. ![]() |
Date: 2/8/2004 10:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 13952
you are correct girlie...and I apoligize for questioning you....I will make it a point to say off your post or any conversation with you what so ever be so kind to do the same for me .....good day......... ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 8:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 160
Why do JW's not celebrate holidays. There are many valid reasons but the one that literally took the blinders off of my eyes was when I learned about Jehovah the creator and began to have a personal relationship with him. When I learned of his qualities, I learned that he accepts nothing less than wholehearted worship nothing watered down or even added to, as is the case with pagan holidays. And to your question as to why so many Mexicans are leaving the Catholic churches, I can only tell you a few things that I know for certain. One is that many are leaving that faith partly due to the recent sex scandals but and this is only my opinion I believe that people that do not have their paradise here on earth are more likely to accept that Jehovah is going to bring about peaceful conditions on earth. Also, when they attend meetings and see the brotherhood where class distinction and prejudices are no longer practiced they are drawn to true worship. Jehovahs Witnesses are in every corner of the globe, so the ministry is a successful one. Hope this helps. ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 8:15:00 AM
From Authorid: 160
No Girlie I don't think you were too hard on Jim, I know you were concerned because you have a good heart and your love for truth. And Jim is entitled to his opinion based on his own experiences but you know what we have to remember? That only Jehovah and his son are perfect, that man is not any where near perfection and makes mistakes, but the difference in this is that when they make mistakes they do try hard to correct them. As far as the Society making predictions, some were off by a few years but no one has even come close to their understanding of the scriptures and prophesies with Jehovahs help than they do. I have nothing but respect for Jim as he and I have had long conversations about this matter, unfortunatly to no avail. He is an intelligent and caring man, one that I grew very fond of but once a person leaves the truth their understanding of spiritual matters is takin from them. So it would not be a good idea to consult with anyone who was a former Witness for Jehovah. ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 8:49:00 AM
From Authorid: 10915
Thank you sister! ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 11:39:00 AM From Authorid: 42940 As a former JW I'll admit I learned a lot of things from the religion. For example Christmas is not the Savior's birthday. Just look it up in any Encyclopedia. It's a celebration of the sun god as well as many other pagan traditions. While you're at it look up th name Jehovah in your Encyclopedia. You will see that the holy name has been ERRONEOUSLY translated to Jehovah. Clearly not the name of the God of the Bible. Why are Mexicans leaving the Catholic church and converting to JW's? I can only guess that a lot of Mexican people are so used to being controlled and abused by their customary religion (Catholicism) and government that it's easy to control them. Religion is 99% sugar and 1% arsenic. The 1% arsenic can kill you. *** bad kitty *** |
Date: 2/9/2004 12:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 160
True no one knows the exact pronunciation of God's personal name. But is it not better to at least try to get it as close as possible showing the Creator the respect, the dignity and honor that he so rightly deserves? I think the attempt is better than ignoring it all together. JMHO... ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 12:59:00 PM
From Authorid: 33517
Thanks so much for sharing this information with me...there had been a few questions that I have had about JW...I am always interested in learning about people's beliefs..Thanks again...**Big Canadian Hugs** ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 1:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 10915
Jehovah is the acceptable English translation of God's name and is no different than the name, Jesus that many have come to accept as the English translation of God's son. ![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 1:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 42940
Be careful who you're praying to. Here's what the Encarta Encylopedia states: Jehovah, name of the God of the Hebrew people as ERRONEOUSLY (emphesis mine) transliterated from the Masoretic Hebrew text. The word consists of the consonants JHVH or JHWH, with the vowels of a separate word, Adonai (Lord). What its original vowels were is a matter of speculation, for because of an interpretation of such texts as Exodus 20![]() |
Date: 2/9/2004 3:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 160
By the way, no one knows for certain how Jesus' name is supposed to be pronounced. If we stayed closer to the original sounds it would be more like Yeshua, but Jesus is accepted. Until we all speak one language we will not know. ![]() |
Date: 2/11/2004 9:46:00 AM From Authorid: 42940 You're absolutely right Pamyjo about Jesus' name. However, that still doesn't mean that the God of the Bible's name is Jehovah or that Jehovah even comes close to the proper pronunciation. It's just another falsehood the JW's insist on cultivating. I don't use the name Jehovah when I call upon my Heavenly Father. Jehovah is probably a name of a false god for all I know. I only refer to the Jesus (His son) so that people know who I'm talking about (the Savior). I don't even use the word Amen when closing a prayer (another Oprah). *** bad kitty *** |
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