Many people would never realize that there are presents out that keep on giving year round. These gifts are not money, nor are they possesions you own. These things give you a temporary satisfaction and then you are back to wanting more. Have you ever found yourself feeling so alone, it would be easier just to hide away cause no one knows you are there? Or, have you ever found yourself needing advice and only find criticism from others for they think they are so much better off then you? How about just being so mad at life you feel no one is a friend and everyone you meet is against you?
Well, you would be surprised at how many people would answer these questions as knowing what it is like, I know I'm one of them, well up til a few months ago. I thought I had friends, cause they would point out ALL my flaws, no matter how small, and would try to tell me how to live. Even my family was like this. Everyone feels they need to help people change to make them the way they want you to be, in order for you to fit in with them. However, it should be the opposite of this, your friends and family should accept you the way you are and for who you are. If you need to change a bad habit, then you should sit down and talk about it, not be told and manipulated by these people.
That is where the present that keeps giving comes in, a TRUE friend will not try to change you, nor tell you all about your flaws, but will accept you for you. They will see the person you truly are and meant to be and let you grow from there. A friend like this is there when you need them, not only personally, but in spirit also. If they see you depressed, they won't lecture you, but will ask you what is wrong and help you through it the best they can. Even the truest friend can be told to go away and leave you alone, but they will still remain to help you. They will know you need and want them around, and won't give up just because the depression or anger is overpowering you at that time. They will give you the space you need to calm and reflect on things and ask later again what is going on, and they will want to talk about it. They will accept everything about you and not ask you to hold back part of you, only because it makes then uncomfortable. Most friends will see that the differences in thier lives is what makes them the best of friends, for you get a chance to learn and understand different things from them. When it comes to friends, it's very true that the more opposite you are, the closer you will become.
My best friend and I are from two very different worlds, and we are closer then you can imagine. Some people we are aquanited with can't even understand why we are freinds, but neither do we at times. But we get along so well you could swear we grew up together at times. This friendship was tested by rumor and accusations as soon as I let him closer into my life, but it stood through it. A great and true friendship will stand through anything, it won't be ruined by idiots trying to make others unhappy, or jealous. It will stand strong against anything and everything.
The best friend you can have in your life, is the one that won't let others dictate who can be around or be close to. This is truly the best present in life and the one that keeps giving year round. So let your best friend know how they have changed your life and that you are very happy they have been there for you. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 14412 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .