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Another look at "racism"

  Author: 62510  Category:(Debate) Created:(1/20/2004 5:23:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1496 times)

There is no question in my mind, it is wrong to look down on someone for thier ethnicity. However, I have noticed a scary trend in American culture. It seems that we are taking this view one step farther. Rather than coming together peacfully, I see America "hating haters." I don't understand how someone who has experienced hate can turn around and show hate for someone else. Black comedians, many of them make fun of southern people in their skits. Isn't that exactly what they are fighting!? It also seems like people are becoming very violent towards even minor intolerance. Now, it seems to follow that someone who doesn't share certain political beliefs is ignorant and racist. This also looks like prejudice to me, just in a different form than we're used to looking for. Lastly it seems that we Americans hold being different as a virtuous quality. That is just silly. The key is not to view uniformity and traditions as good in themselves. But when we say that it is good to be different, we make the same mistake, it is not GOOD to be different, it is OKAY to be different, and everyone has the right to believe and to be what they like. It shouldn't be "cool" to be gay, or a Budhist just because it's different, isn't that intolerance towards the majority? It seems that prejudice is more anchored in our hearts than we know, just when we thought we were starting to see results, we find we are making new mistakes. Just when we thought we had weeded out the last black-hating idiot we found we have manufactured white-haters. Just when we told off the last Christian bigot, we find that we have made anti-Christian bigots. Will people ever learn!?

~Jadd (all comments appreciated)

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Date: 1/20/2004 5:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 37101    People are flawed. And you can't expect a bunch of flawed pieces to form a perfect puzzle. That's why society is screwed, because it's composed of imperfect people. Nothing we can. And when will we learn? When the world ends and no one is around. -  
Date: 1/20/2004 5:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 59266    prejudice will nevr die... sadly. There will always be disagreements  
Date: 1/20/2004 5:38:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62510    I don't see why people must FIGHT over these dissagreements though. No, we aren't perfect, but if we all worked together, and put are heads together we could get a lot closer. It seems that we choose not to use our biggest advantage, civil communication. ~Jadd
Date: 1/20/2004 5:45:00 PM  From Authorid: 37101    Using the puzzle analogy once more... If there are imperfect pieces going into an imperfect puzzle, they will not fit together. In this same way, this is why civil communication does not work, despite being our "biggest advantage." It's the life we live. And we may choose to live it, or sit on the outside and think of how despicable it is and fret over it. To each their own. -  
Date: 1/20/2004 5:51:00 PM  From Authorid: 29532    Well, I know a USMmer who quit here because of racism. Thanks guys. She was a wonderful and fun person, but just because she was blak, alot of you gave her a hard time. So NO Jadd, alot of people will NEVER learn.  
Date: 1/20/2004 6:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 32133    it really peeves me off when i see that white people get made fun of and white kids are treated like black kids used to be.....dont adults understand i saw a segment on the news about how there is segregation still and all racis have there own groups in school...its not the white kids saying "lets not hang out with the black kids" like the media made it out to be and from being in school now i know that alot of black kids say "i dont want to hang out with white kids" and alot of white kids get made fun of by black kids and try to act black...the media makes it out to seem like the white kids arent letting the black kids join in but almost 70% of the time it is the exact opposite...im not being racist im saying its not always white people discluding black people its the other way around usually because the cool thing now is either be black or act black and if you dont/are either one of those you get discluded.  
Date: 1/20/2004 6:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 32133    ^^^^^^*if you arent either on of those you get made fun of*  
Date: 1/20/2004 6:32:00 PM  From Authorid: 62267    I'm not racist...I hate everyone just the same ;-)..Freaq  
Date: 1/20/2004 6:33:00 PM  From Authorid: 59266    freaq, thats one of my fav quotes lol  
Date: 1/20/2004 6:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 62267    mine too hehe...Freaq  
Date: 1/20/2004 6:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 59266    if the world just loved eachother completely, wouldnt that be somewhat boring???  
Date: 1/20/2004 7:00:00 PM  From Authorid: 3125    
Irrational suspicion and hatred has been going on since time began.
It seems that people has to nit pick about anything and everything. They can't leave well enough alone. Even if we were all born with the same color of skin, all have the same amounts of everything, all having the exact same faults, etc, there would always be those who would not be contented. No, people will never learn. It has always been and always will be.
Date: 1/21/2004 5:22:00 AM  From Authorid: 12600    Jadd -- great post. And, sadly, I have to agree with Smooth Criminal. Racism and intolerance will unfortunately most likely always exist. Fortunately, there are those who realize that we are all people despite our differences, and that actually it is those differences that make us interesting. What a boring world this would be if we were all exactly the same and agreed on everything~~peace  
Date: 1/21/2004 12:16:00 PM  From Authorid: 32133    if the owrld loved eachother there would be no cops or Americas most wanted on saturday nights
there wouldn't be war movies there wouldnt be anything interesting...
Date: 1/21/2004 12:28:00 PM  From Authorid: 58611    Wow after reading all of these comments I feel like there will never be hope for an end to racism, and no one seems to care. Maybe people like hate.  
Date: 1/21/2004 5:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 38474    ah but if there wasn't hate then there wouldn't be love, remember the two are complete opposites and one is needed to show the depth of the other one or they are both rendered useless in my opinion. I agree that racism is a horrible thing but I don't see an end to it in the near future. Prejudice and racism are practiced by almost every culture or ethnicity these days. To many xenophobes in the world to ever totally end racism.  
Date: 1/21/2004 6:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 9130    Racism will always exist. You cannot change the minds of everyone. Hate will continue to be passed down from generation to generation. The only way to help is to make sure that children are taught the truth about America's history. All of it. Not just the parts that make white men look bad, and not just the parts that make whites look good. Teach the children about the Native Americans and what was really done to them. Teach the children why anger from black Americans still exists due to slavery. But make sure that these black american children also know that their ancestors were sold into slavery by OTHER black men in Africa. Also teach the children that the sins of the past must not be visited upon those that live in present times. We are not responsible for what our ancestors have done. CHILDREN need to be taught the truth. The plain bitter truth. We also need to realize that living in a color-blind society is a much better way of getting past this problem. Color is way to big of an issue.  
Date: 1/22/2004 5:53:00 AM  From Authorid: 2030    A big part of it is that our schools teach our kids that having a non-politically correct opinion is WRONG. I see it all the time right here on USM. Conservatives etc. are BAD, anything short of praise for minorities is Evil.  
Date: 1/22/2004 6:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 19613    Political correctness is a good thing. Like everything, it can be taken too far often, to absurd levels (" pizza day will now be known as Italian-American sauce-bread day" -Principal Skinner ), but that doesn't mean we should see being politically incorrect as a good thing.  
Date: 1/22/2004 2:58:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 62510    Thanks for all the responses. I guess "politcally correct" means different things to different people. To me I see people refusing to say what is in their hearts, words aren't what causes problems but it is what goes on in the hearts and the minds of people that cause our problems. I'd like to see everyone say whatever they want, but also to want what is best for eachother.
Date: 1/22/2004 5:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 28989    I see the whole thing as a pendulum swinging back and forth, one that will eventually lose its momentum. Yes, there's definitely a backlash racism (reverse racism) going on, just as there's a backlash sexism happening at the same time. There's also a backlash against the backlash, with the anti-Affirmative Action and anti-ERA forces pushing the other way and gaining strength. This constant pushing back and forth will probably go on for a while, until it finally peters out. I also agree that political correctness casts a blind eye on reverse racism and sexism and probably even fuels it. One thing I'm pretty sure of is that it's inevitable that things are this way. Once slavery and the Jim Crow laws were abolished, we couldn't expect African Americans to run up and hug European Americans (I'm being PC) and say, "Thank you!" No, a long, tiring healing process has to take place first, and a lot of that involves reverse racism, deep resentments, a continuing struggle to get out of poverty and all the things that come with it--drugs, crime, mental illness, hatred, etc.. And yes, there's still the prejudice of whites against blacks (the white supremacist groups seem to have multiplied since the sixties). I'm not excusing reverse racism, just saying that there are complex underlying reasons for it. And the way to overcome it is to acknowledge it and understand why it's there. There, I've just resolved the whole problem in one paragraph, LoL!  
Date: 1/23/2004 5:27:00 PM  From Authorid: 50435    There seems to be varying opinions on exactly what is hate. If I choose to refrain from associating with non-Whites because I feel that I'm higher up on the food chain than they are, you can't say that I hate. If I choose to take a caucasian mate because I want my children to be purely caucasian, you can't say that I hate. Personal preference has been confused with this "hate" business. If I choose to keep a close circle of friends who are all of similar ethnic background as myself, it does not in any way mean that I hate anyone else who is different. Forcing people to mingle and melt in with other cultures and colours and whatnot is not the solution. There's absolutely nothing wrong with preferring to stick with your own kind.  
Date: 1/23/2004 9:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 51456    i entirely agree with you. but these tyhings are never going to change, none of them are going to die, and there are anlways going to be pasisng phases of teh supposible''cool'' things, shucha s w/e... but there will always be somethings to critisize, better jsut nto be a part of it and ignore it. leaders can try it and cha ge, god knows i try and many others,but there are too many people to fightr agaisnt and eventually youg et beaten down, no matter wut age, how wise, and how strong your words are..great post though. very inspiring.  

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