Stopping at one of the houses, the man ushered me into a low-ceilinged, cheerily lit room occupied by a little old man sitting in a rocking chair reading. The moment I entered, Rainyn leapt from his chair, the forgotten book falling to the well swept floor, and raced over to us. He pumped my hand, delightedly exclaiming over the fortune of meeting me once again. Gesturing to a spare chair by a bare table, he rattled on for several minutes as he randomly tidied the already immaculate room.
"Now, Gerath, how did you encounter this young lady, and what awful thing have you done that has driven her to come complain to me about it?" He looked in the direction of my guide.
The man spoke with a voice as raucous as a crow's cry. Rainyn did not seem to notice.
"In the WestMarket, Uncle. She asked for directions to our place. No trouble involved, I hope," Cheeks lightly flushed, he looked at his feet, glancing at me now and again. My mind was churning away, thoroughly confused. But I grasped enough etiquette to know that now would not be the time to inquire about Gerath's obvious voice issues. Why the man would be embarrassed about my presence was also beyond me. My attire was befitting a man; I was a woman, but I was not one to disgrace another.
"Ehh, Uncle, I'll be outside.." He shuffled out the door. This made me even more confused. I turned a helpless eye to Rainyn.
Chuckling, he replied, "What's the matter, girl, you ain't seen a man smitten before?"
I shook my head in amazement, disregarding his reference towards me as a girl. I was a woman, not some coltish teenager whose hormones hadn't yet settled down into a smoother ride. My travels had not allowed for personal relationships. "What? Your senses are so dulled you don't see what's before your very eyes? Think, Allytai! Gerath will be twenty six in July..." His eyes crinkled. At my speechlessness, he leaned in and nonchalantly continued on another subject.
"If you're looking for a guide to show you around the Gem, Gerath would be a most excellent candidate. He knows this city like no one else - except for those who built it, of course.
"Mind you, he sometimes can go off in his own wonderland and forget where he is, but all in all he's the best you'll find anywhere here. Would you like something to drink?" He got up before I had voiced my reply and headed to an adjoining room.
While I waited I took out the package and placed it on the table. It was tied with a fine navy bow with tiny white glass beads on it embroidered in a star design. I fingered it, a crushing curiosity engulfing me. The Rhymester had, for his own reasons, ordered me not to open the thing.
Rainyn returned with two great mugs, their size making him seem all the smaller. Sitting on a stool, he drank with me in silence, eyeing the package. As he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, I answered the question in his eyes.
"I am to deliver it to a friend of the Rhymester - "
"Oh, you've been to that old stogie's place, have you?" He heaved a tremendous sigh. "I suppose he's up to his tricks again. Never knows when to quit, he does.. Been running that library collection for some time, longer’n the time I've been here. I've heard he's a bit touched in the head.."
I studied him sharply, my caution level rising. He went on, completely oblivious to my discomfort.
"Hmm, that looks to be the ribbon of Tanomai...her colors are blue and a white star. And I suppose you'll be needing Gerath to direct you to her house. You wouldn't mind that now, would you, Gerath?" He grinned at the person who had mysteriously appeared by my side. The younger man shifted his gaze from his uncle to me. He spoke softly, though with his rough voice, it made little difference.
"I know the way. And I have just finished my work at the Whenever you would like to leave, I am available." His eyes told me nothing, only flickered warmly.
"Alright." I stood up and tucked the package into my belt. "We can leave now."
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .