Date: 1/20/2004 4:52:00 PM
From Authorid: 43807
i am just the oppisite, afraid to be with someone. Oh. well better off alone.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 4:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 22852
I do not have that fear but my sister does so she is staying in an unhappy relationship just because of her fear of having no one. Your perfect mate will arrive when you least expect it or when you stop looking. Trust me on this one. And Remember this... YOU are not alone, a mate does not complete you only YOU can complete you and if you are happy with yourself... you will never be lonely.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 4:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 28890
If you never dated someone, you get used to being alone.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 5:08:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62525
Thank You Every one for your Replies **HUGS** |
Date: 1/20/2004 5:09:00 PM
From Authorid: 43807
GRovy allen is right. hehe... maybe thats why i am afraid to be with someone. But better off alone than be stuck with some creep.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 6:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 17014
Before I ended my first serious relationship of nearly 2 1/2 years, the thought of being along absolutley terrified me. But in order for myself to be truely happy, I needed out. Even though I loved the guy with all my heart, I knew he wasn't the one. And I've had my share of wrong ones even after him. But the being alone time in between, helps you find out who you are, helps you to experiment with your personality-- I was and probably am still like you-- I am the shy, quiet type and meeting new people came with time. I did overcome some of my shyness-- I initiated the relationship I've been in now for five years. Don't be afraid of being alone, it will only help you become stronger.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 6:49:00 PM
From Authorid: 5252
ugh...i can not get into this right now, it depresses me,...i will respond later...sorry.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 8:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 22275
meeeeeeeeeeee  |
Date: 1/20/2004 9:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 51827
I have the same fear. That is the problem I used to have. I am coping with it, and have been single for about 5 months now. It was scary at first, and now I love it. I think about it, finding mr, right, but look, if you dont then what is the worst that could happen. What, youd be more independent, and stronger, and the list is infinte. The only way to forget the fear of being alone is to accept that you could do without a partner forever, and that way you are content with being alone for the time being. Good luck, you will get there  |
Date: 1/20/2004 9:53:00 PM
From Authorid: 27403
EastCoastGirl, your maturity astonishes me! I have friends twice your age that still cannot admit that they are afraid to be alone. I promise you, that if you nurture yourself, take care of yourself and love yourself, some of the very best times you will have in life will be with yourself. When you find that special someone that you want to spend your life with, not because you NEED someone, but simply because you LOVE that someone, you will be ready to be a partner to someone. And that you are already recognizing this is really a great thing for you!!! EVERYONE is afraid to be alone sometimes. But, do not comprimise your love or life, just to fill in the blank spaces. You will truly be a young woman worth having! Love and Light  |
Date: 1/20/2004 9:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 27403
Just for any of you that are out there reading this, Dr. Phil has a book out on Self Esteem that is incredibly good. It has tests, areas you need help in (help provided) and all sorts of stuff. This really is a book worth reading for anyone having problems loving themself, or standing up for themselves. Or just needs a little confidence. Great Book! Love and Light  |
Date: 1/20/2004 10:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 31255
I rather enjoy being alone. Maybe I have the opposite fear... being committed to someone... actually, I just don't feel old enough to be growing my roots into a relationship when I have a lot of goals and dreams in my life.  |
Date: 1/20/2004 11:33:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62525
Thank You everyone for your great words of wisdom and lightworker i will have to check that book out thank you very much... **HUGS** ~*~EastCoastGirl21~*~ |
Date: 1/21/2004 2:35:00 AM
From Authorid: 62146
Well I have a fear of being with people as strange as it sounds so I can't help you I have an oposite fear acctaully.  |
Date: 1/21/2004 4:42:00 AM
From Authorid: 36538
I have a huge fear of being alone. In the past, I have had some really bad relationships. They seem to only get worse as each one ends. I am really afraid that I'll never find someone to spend my life with. That is especially frightening since I am an only child. I have always joked around saying that I'll be the old lady that lives at the end of the street with fifteen cats, that all the neighborhood children will be afraid of. Ha Ha.  |
Date: 1/21/2004 8:39:00 AM
From Authorid: 58611
I think a lot of people feel that way sometimes. Its not a good feeling to have. So why dont you take the pressure off of yourself to find Mr. Right. Why dont you start by getting yourself out more and doing things you like to do. Maybe join a gym or go and take some classed or go bowling every weekend with friends. Something, anything, just to get out more. Dont look for him though, let him find you, and he never will if you stay at home all of the time. good luck sweety.  |
Date: 1/22/2004 12:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 52489
Once upon a time I feared being alone, but then I discovered that as long as I felt good about myself, then it was fine. I took to self-improvement, and started working out. Soon, I had confidence, and I started reading a lot, and then I wasn't really alone. Remember that line by George C. Scott in 'A Christmas Carol'? "He has his friends, his beloved books. Ali Baba, the Genie....Robinson Crusoe?" I also learned to look for people who really mattered, people who didn't care about being Popular, but were interested in me as a person! Soon, I'd built up a group of friends. Learn to love yourself first, then you can love others.  |
Date: 1/22/2004 5:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 30786
Your post really touched me because for the longest time, I stayed with a guy who treated me really badly because I didn't know what I'd do without him. I'd break it off, but a short time later, I would feel so lost and alone and helpless (I know that sounds pathetic) that I would take him back. I felt like I needed him to be stable and feel good about myself. I think that is the big thing. You should NEVER rely on a guy or a relationship to have self esteem. I can tell from your post that what you are looking for in your life will NOT come from a guy- it has to come from within. You need to forget about guys for now and focus on making yourself happy. Surround yourself with good friends and family, find a hobby that you love, join a gym, whatever. Don't wait for your Prince Charming before you begin your life. He will come along when you least expect it. You have to love yourself before you can give your love to someone else. You are right when you say there are plenty of fish in the sea and you will find someone great one day if you set your standards high  |