I dreamed of him last night in detail, On his death bed and looking frail. He speaks to me from a world of dreams. His torment I feel and hear his screams. Death did not come with sudden impact. It was slow, tedious, and extremly pain racked. In his eyes the strained desire to speak. Yet no sound from a mouth grown weak. Words formed slowly from speechless lips. Then desperation in death's tightened grip. What did he say or what did he know? What is the way he was trying to show? Why dream of my father long since passed on? In a rare dream I am tormented until the dawn. Was it a message from beyond the grave? Is this encounter for my heart to save? How wierd to meet him in a way as this. The impact of it too hard to dismiss. A trick of the mind in subconscious state? A message important meant to steer my fate? What is the answer I do not know. Find an answer in a place I dare not go.
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