Was making a left-hand turn at a semi-difficult intersection in a busy mall area. (For those of you who know Pittsburgh, PA, I was turning left from the Ikea lot at the Steak-n-Shake down toward the traffic light) I thought it was safe to pull out, but a car suddenly came barrelling down the hill. I put my Ford Escort in reverse to back up slightly, but then realized that there was a Jeep Grand Cherokee on my tail, not leaving me any room to back up. I made a remark to my boyfriend Joe about that, as I had just picked him up for our day together. Then, in the scheme of things, I totally forgot I had the gearshift in reverse, and when it was clear to go, stepped on the gas. OOPS! But I guess that is why they call them accidents, right?
We went up to where the old Pier One store used to be, where we could exchange information. Since both cars were drivable (even though my trunk was smooshed in, thanks to a Jeeps bumper being higher)there was NO damage to her car that could be seen. And no one appeared hurt, although I was starting to feel some pain in my neck and back, and in my wrist. (It was a wrist I had gotten a hairline fracture in back in '99, so it was probably jarred when I gripped the steering wheel harder). We picked up a sandwich for my b/f and by then, I had decided it would be a good idea for me to go to the hospital and get checked out, just to be on the safe side, and since he doesn't have a license, I knew I'd have to drive, because after doing a quick self-assesment, I knew I really didn't need to bother calling an ambulance or anything. I figured it was mostly just whiplash.
From there, I used the cell phone to contact my parents, who I finally got in touch with via voice mail, and they met us at the hospital. They were waiting for me when I got back from X-ray. The good news is, no serious injury. Just some pretty bad inflamation in the neck area, and lower back. I got scripts for a muscle relaxant to take, prescription Motrin, and a splint for my wrist, just as a precaution, to wear for about a week or so.
Then I get home and find out that I had gotten a call from the ladies insurance company, and now I'm scared to death of what might happen. I wasn't going to file with the insurance comany, because I know the deductible was going to take care of most of it. Now I don't know what to do. I don't know if she was just filing because she thought I was, or what. Thanks to all for listening....but most of all, I'm relieved no one was injured. Cars are replacable and fixable. People aren't. The thing I told my boyfriend when we were in my ER cubicle was "I'm glad I'm the one in this hospital bed, because I could never forgive myself if it were you". And that's the truth. Granted, it was an accident, but the way I think sometimes (due to the depression and stuff) I think it was only fair that I got hurt, considering I was the stupid one who caused the accident.
Thanks for listening, and any prayers you may send my way.
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