Everyone was screaming at the sudden stop. Coach Gibbs, Mrs. Parkston, cheerleaders, and players. For a few moments they were afraid of crashing, but little did they know they'd be afraid of something much more frieghtening.
When the bus stopped, System asked "What happened?" Mrs. Parkston looked in the rear-view mirror. "We blew out a tire," she said, rummaging under the seat. "Andrea and Gibbs, come help me inspect the flat. The rest of you, stay to the side of the road. We need to get off the bus."
There were groans from a few people. " Look at Lill," said Mrs. Strider, "shes still asleep." Reggie shook her. "Wake up, Lilliana," she said, "we need to get off the bus. We got a flat."
After everyone had left the bus, Bubbul said "Lill, you were asleep through everthing. That's pretty weird." Lill yawned. "I know," she said, "but I has dreaming about this boy. And he told me to watch out for this big bird." Lil shrugged. "I don't know what it means tho." "It means you should stop watching Sesame Street," Pyriel joked. "Who told?" asked Lil.
Meanwhile, Gibbs, Andrea, and Parkston were gawking at the flat. "What is that?" Andrea pointed to the odd looking thing that had broken the rubber. Gibbs pulled it out. It looked like a knife, but it was pointed all the way. "Ugh," said Andrea is there a tooth in that?"
Wasn't about two moments later someone was snached.. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62273 ( Click here )
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