Holy Crap!!! Have I been through an ordeal on my computer. As some know, I recently got the Comcast "always connected" service and opened a new web site several months ago (http://cairparavel.org).
Since establishing an "always connected" line, I have been hosed several times by unwanted programs being placed in my computer without my knowledge. I wanted to share this last episode in an attempt to determine who else may have been affected by a certian program.
First, let me advise that if you do what I am suggesting, be very careful. What I am asking, if done wrong or incorrectly, will hose your computer.
I am asking people to look for a line, file, or program called SAHAgent. If you go to your C:\ drive in windows explorer look for a file called SAHAgent.log. You must be in the C:\ drive, not a sub-folder within C:\ like C:\windows\... but just C:\ You can also get there with MS-DOS
If you find this file or log, open it up and look at each line, you will be amazed what is going on with your computer without your knowlege or permission. This parasite is new and has several names like Golden Retriever, or SAHAgent (ShopathomeAgent).
I paid for and downloaded a program called "spyware" a couple months ago which was able to detect this parasite but during the removal it screwed up my computer and mainly Microsofts Internet Explorer. I was unable to open or view any pages with IE because the removal was not done correctly.
Also check this (and be very careful) go to start at the bottom left and select run. In the box that opens up type in regedit << This is how to access and edit your computers registry. But, I advise making no changes with out the help of a computer expert or prior experience in the area. But, once you are in the registry look for a folder called "VGroup" and open it to see if SAHAgent is inside. If it is, some one is monitoring your internet browsing habits.
I had to pay for and download a program called "PestPatrol" which was able to remove all traces of SAHAgent in my computer and restore IE. But, I will no longer use IE because of these security issues. I am now using "Mozilla" which is available online for free!!
SAHAgent was in about 15 places on my computer and Spyware was unable to detect its presence, and when it did, Spyware was unable to remove it without damaging some programs.
To me, this is illegal activity. All programs I have installed on my computer I bought and paid for. If some one installs some parasite on my computer, without my permission, that screws up my programs, And I have to spend money to detect, remove, and restore my computer and programs, I have damages....legal damages.
If this is wide spread, there may be cause for a group getting together and bringing a "class action" suit against the company responsible for SAHAgent. Maybe George can offer some insight into these programs and the legal system.
Any way, I have had to restart my computer about 50 times in the last two days during the removal of this program. If anyone was at cairparavel.org doing a post and lost the info, I apologize. I had no choice. Once this was discovered it had to be fixed.
Another good free download some may want to get is called Highjackthis. You can search for it in Google. It is awesome!! It scans your registry and generates a page you can copy and paste onto computer forums where an expert will tell you what you need to delete to remove unwanted parasites and the worms they install inside your registry.
Again, I caution everyone to be careful will viewing and changing your computers registry. If you don't know what your doing you will screww up your computer. I advise making a backup copy of your registry before you make any changes....
So, now you know....
If you find the Golden Retriever or SAHAgent on your computer could you please let me know. I am moving forward with legal action against this company and could use your help.
King Caspian
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