The beginning of the dream was a little fuzzy. I remember waking up on the floor in a very large room. Four other people layed around me all just waking up. We each groggy get up. Looking around at each other and the massive room we were in, no one said a word.
The room was old. It looked like the foyer to a very large mansion. There was a stair case that went branched off going in two different directions to two separate balconies. There were several doors leading in each directions. But one large door hung right before us.
One of the other "participants" started toward the large door. No one stoped him, each to scared to move. He opens the door. Nothing. Complete and utter darkness. A void. The doors quickly get shut. Looking at each other, each to afraid to check any other doors all find a place on the floor. The large front doors swing open.
A tall slender man in a long brown robe walked in from the light. Behind the tall man was a small man of maybe 5'4 at the tallest. Both rateated a powerful presents. There wills were pressing us down on the floors. The tall man laphed.
"We have found you." the tall man said. "You are one, two, or in all of these four. And we will find you. Wahahahahahahaha."(evil laphter) "I will give you all thirty seconds before I come for you." the tall man chuckles. We all run, in different directions like mice. I ran up the stairs and two the left. Coming to a door I tried to open it, but it was locked. They were all locked. We all exchanged glances.
"Times up." The tall man raises his hand toward the nearest prisoner. He makes a gesture as if to pull him. He comes. The tall man now holds the young man by the thought. Seeing this I realize, none of this is real. I jump up on the hand rail overlooking the bottom level. "STOP!" I yell. The tall man looks up at me and smiles. He drops the young man and starts to lift off the floor. Slowly at first he goes straight up. Now floating in mid air level with me he "shoots" towards me. Somehow I manage to grab his arm and redirect him into a near by wall. He wasn't moving the last time I looked at him. Still standing on the handrail I turn back to the small man. He looks me in the eye. "How did you do that?" he asked. I never spoke. He started to fly towards me. I raised my hand and commanded "BACK!", and a wave of energy moved out away from me. The small man was thrown back threw the wall. Stepping off the handrail into the empty space I floated down to the ground. With the rest of the young me looking at me I walked toward the wall. The small man walked threw the opening. He started to laugh. "I have one more trick up my sleave." He raised his hand and commanded, "BE GONE". A rainbow of colors swept over my vision and I softly awoke in my warm bed.
01/17/04 Deathletgo How it changed my life::) You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 62478 ( Click here )
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