This happened last year in the Summer of 2003 . I was at work when I started to feel very awkward and troubled . It was my sixth sense at work . Something told me to go check on my lady . It was in the early morning when I told my supervisor that I needed to go check on my lady . When I drove to my wife's job , the first thing I noticed was that her car was vandalized . I immediately called the police and had a report done on the whole incident . My wife asked me who called me about the incident . I told her no one . I already knew who did this deed and I wanted to pay the guy back . My wife told me to let it slide and to let the security guard and police handle it . I was ready to put things in motion , but I reluctantly followed my lady's wishes .
The same jerk let a couple of months pass by before he started messing with my wife again . He rigged the fuel line ( punched a hole in it ) adjacent to the muffler , so that he could cause an explosion under the car . My lady told me she was smelling gas around the car , so I immediately had the car worked on (fixed ). The mechanic told me what someone had in mind for my wife . The same time this crap was happening the dude left for Mexico to check on his mother . The guy stayed in Mexico for a week . His mom died . I never knew what this idiot's problem was , but my wife told me to leave things in God's hands . Was this God doing justice ? I dont know , but I feel people who wish others harm , always end up getting theirs .
This wasn't the first time somebody tried to harm someone close to me . When I was ten my mom was having a problem with a coworker . The coworker threatened to kill my mom over some meaningless crap . What that woman did was loosen all the lugnuts on a tire on my mom's car . My mom ended up in a very minor accident , but her cowowrker did not end up with the same fate . A week later while that women was driving down the freeway , she was in an accident and she lost her 5 year old son . So once again , I say , be careful what you wish for .
Razberry How it changed my life:I realized sometimes its better to leave things in God's hands (when possible ). You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 13283 ( Click here )
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