This is a some-what small collection of recent poetic expressions that I think are some of my best work. Hope you Enjoy!!
I love him. I really do! I can feel it in my heart- even in my shoe! It's a wonderful feeling- knowing his soul. Keeping us together- not single, but whole. I don't know how he feels- if he wishes for the same. But all I can do is hope- and keep myself fair game. It's real, I know it is. We are meant to be- no one can stop us, except for He. I am going now, I think he will follow. If he doesn't, then I will be hollow. His soul with me, mine with his. This is it. I swear it is.
I stand on the sand staring out at the waves Knowing that beyond, a new hope awaits me. I’m shivering inside, scared by the truth, but my heart’s reaching out, Yearning for some sort of proof. I’m not sure as to who you are, But I’m positive you’re there somewhere. I have a faith in what I know to be true, And somehow I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I put one foot forward But then I take it right back. I know I must make that next step, But I want for it to happen in a snap. I don’t want to have to think about it, Or even consciously move. But know that here, I have nothing to lose. So I squeeze my eyes shut, say a silent pray, then run into the Ocean, knowing you’re there.
Forget what they’ve told you. They are anything but right! I have fallen the daytime, I’ve cried throughout the night. But He has cared for me, Even when I’ve put up a fight. Now I am blessed with His presence, And I love Him with all of my might. When I am in my darkest hour, And I am trembling with fright, He grabs my heart, And He holds on tight. For I love Him, Because He is my God.
Is it just my imagination, Or are you really real? Is there some sort of justification For the way that I feel? I don’t understand this I doubt I ever will. But that will never stop me From gambling in on this deal! I’m crazy in love with you, Everyone can see it. I’m feeling brand new. Because we seem to fit. Our love is everlasting, It won’t stop until the end. And as the song goes, “I’m gonna love you Forever and Ever, Forever and Ever, Amen.”
My heart is fierce with envy When I see you walking by. Your smile is good and plenty- But your mind is what I despise.
I’ve been in love with you For as long as I can remember. I worship the ground you walk on From January to December.
But your heart belongs to HER. I don’t know what she has that’s better. I need to find a cure- Because you are under the weather.
I need a way to get to you. To pull your heart away. My love is the thing that is true. I will always stay.
So go along your own way- But know there’s something more. The sky could be blue, instead of gray. You could be rich, instead of poor.
Always know that I love you. When she leaves, I will be there. We make none other than a perfect pair. I will always belong to you.
In the depths of my heart I cry out in sorrow Wishing this pain would end Hoping for a brighter tomorrow.
Each day I think of you Wondering why you’re not with me Forgetting everything besides you Forgiving every wrong deed
I call out asking for you to try But I receive no answer. Not understanding why You’ve failed to believe.
Thank you for giving me Some happy times this summer I’ll still be here waiting for you Even after it’s long over.
I think I’m in love with you, But you are so far away. I can live without you, But I think about you every day.
Why did I have to fall for you? I should stick to guys here. I still can find another beau, But you’re the one that I want.
Maybe we’ll meet someday! Wouldn’t that be grand? We could finish each others sentences, And walk hand in hand.
I think I’m in love with you. That will never change. Even if it takes a few years, Before our love is ready to reign.
My heart starts thumping, Every time I see you. My knees get weak, When I see you smile. I find you interesting, You think I’m fascinating. Our souls intertwine, And we become one.
You laugh at my silliness, I gawk when you’re forward. You finish my sentences, I know what you like. We watch football together, And cheer for the same team. It’s pretty obvious to me, That we’re meant to be.
Then one day you falter And I end up crying. But we both know it’s still there, And it’s worth trying. So we pick up our feet, And continue our path. Our love will never fade, Day after day after day.
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