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illegal immgrants .... no, americans, they are "guest workers". sexypenguin

  Author:  44850  Category:(News) Created:(1/7/2004 11:35:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1374 times)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Wednesday will outline an immigration reform proposal that would allow workers who are in the United States illegally to come forward and join a new temporary worker program, administration officials said.

Those now-illegal immigrants could then apply for permanent residence in the United States, although those in the temporary worker program would get no preference over other "Green Card" applicants from foreign countries, the officials said.

Administration officials said the measure was designed largely for economic reasons -- to match "willing workers with willing employers," as administration officials put it Tuesday night in advance of the president's announcement.

The officials said the employers would have to show they cannot find U.S. citizens to fill their jobs.

Allowing those who illegally entered the United States to come forward and keep their jobs is the most controversial aspect of the president's initiative, which will be presented as a statement of goals and principles and not a detailed piece of legislation. (Border residents question plan)

But the U.S. officials said one of the president's goals was to "promote compassion" and get the Congress and the country to "understand the broken system" that now includes an estimated 8 million "undocumented" or illegal immigrants in the United States.

The officials said benefits of getting undocumented workers to come forward include bringing these workers into the tax system and bringing them "out of the shadows," as one official put it, and guaranteeing them wage and employment rights now enjoyed by those working legally in the United States.

Here are some highlights of the president's initiative, according to several senior administration officials.

• The new temporary worker program. It would include a temporary visa for three years, and Bush will call for Congress to allow one renewal -- so a six-year total for a temporary visa. Officials said they were open to allowing additional terms, subject to congressional debate and negotiation.

• This program would be open to prospective immigrants, but also to illegal immigrants in the United States, so long as these undocumented individuals could prove they were working in the United States as of the date the new policy becomes law. Officials say that requirement -- having a job at the date of the new policy -- would discourage a flood of new illegal immigration.

• Those who qualify as new "legal temporary workers" can apply for permanent residency, or Green Cards, under existing laws but would not receive any favorable treatment. The administration will, however, urge Congress to increase the current annual limit of issuing 140,000 Green Cards a year. The officials said how much of an expansion will be determined based on negotiations with Congress.

Officials reject the notion that the new program amounts to amnesty for illegal immigrants because they say there is no guarantee those who join the new temporary worker program would qualify for Green Cards, they would have no advantages if they do apply, and they would be expected to return to their country of birth when their temporary visa expired.

The new program, like other temporary visa programs, would be administered by the Department of Homeland Security in coordination with the Department of Labor and other government departments and agencies.

The White House initiative is modeled after several pending proposals in Congress.

Arizona Republican Rep. Jim Kolbe, for example, has called for a temporary worker program if employers first posted jobs on the Internet for 14 days to give U.S. citizens first crack at the positions.

It also tracks many proposals advocated by Democrats, who suspect that Bush's true goal is to increase the 35 percent of the Hispanic vote he won in the 2000 presidential election by promoting immigration reform as his first major new policy initiative of the 2004 re-election year.

"I certainly hope the administration's long-awaited re-involvement in this fundamental debate is genuine, and not because of election year conversion," Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy said in a statement Tuesday. "The immigration status quo is out-dated, unjust and unacceptable."

"At any time in recent months, a nod from the administration could have brought immediate enactment of two important long-stalled immigration bills with broad bipartisan support in Congress -- the AgJobs Bill, to reach a fair resolution of the controversy and work conditions over jobs in the agriculture industry, and the bill granting permanent residence to undocumented immigrant children who complete high school and go to college or join the military," Kennedy added.

Commuters walk back to Juarez through the Bridge of the Americas port of entry in El Paso, Texas. Among the president's allies in the debate is the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which backs the White House assertion that there is an "economic need" for new workers.

Randel Johnson, a chamber vice president who deals with immigration issues, said in an interview with CNN Tuesday that including workers who illegally entered the United States is perhaps controversial, but in his view, necessary.

"The reality of it is we are not going to deport all these people," Johnson said. "So we have to come up with something to deal with the situation. Or we can continue to put our head in the sand."

But Colorado Republican Rep. Thomas Tancredo is among the congressional conservatives who promise to fight provisions they view as rewarding lawbreakers.

"People who are here illegally -- they need to be deported," Tancredo told CNN. "People who hire them need to be fined. If they keep doing it they need to be sent to jail, It's against the law."

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Date: 1/7/2004 11:46:00 AM  From Authorid: 12133    I agree with Tancredo. Deport them. There are more than enough Americans without jobs. WHEN all Americans are working, then we can worry about giving jobs to people from other countries. Same deal about the homeless. Take care of our own, and THEN worry about the rest of the world.  
Date: 1/7/2004 11:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 12133    Same reasone the US is quite a few BILLION dollars in debt. They are so worried about buying friendship, they are letting their own people suffer. That's like buying you friends a beer, while your child is home, starving. Its stupid. Besides, it been already proven, how well our "friends" treat us. Castro was our friend once. My uncle passed within 3 feet of him, in Washington DC, a long time ago. Noriega was our friend, as was Bin Laden, and Hussein. Forget our "friends" take care of our people. The money spent each year, to other countries JUST for military equiptment alone, would fix our Medicare budget. Quit feeding other countries, we could all get free medical, for life. The list goes on, and on. Take care of your own, before you worry about others, who have shown in the past, are more likely to turn around and stab you in the back anyways.  
Date: 1/7/2004 11:51:00 AM  From Authorid: 62509    I do agree.. we do need to take of oure homeless, welfare, unemployed before other countries.
Date: 1/7/2004 11:59:00 AM  From Authorid: 48809    I couldn't agree with you more Crash! I know some of our own citizens who have always lived here and supported the United States who do not receive the benefits that are given to those from other countries . I wonder why this is so?  
Date: 1/7/2004 12:01:00 PM  From Authorid: 10754    Send them packing. Don't give me a human rights speech, America's first and only responsibility is itself. Nuff said.  
Date: 1/7/2004 12:02:00 PM  From Authorid: 12133    I agree, Jay  
Date: 1/7/2004 12:05:00 PM  From Authorid: 12133    I think that if they are caught in our country twice, that they should be sent to prison, in their own country. Heck, for that matter, if the US wants to give away so much money, give Mexico enough, to start a larger industrial program, with the US getting cheaper deals on the goods. Stuff that Americans don't want to bother with manufactering. We can manufacture better stuff than what they can. At least in this case, helping them, helps ourselves.  
Date: 1/7/2004 12:24:00 PM  From Authorid: 4614    Let them work...They came here looking for a better life, and found it...We would all do the same in the same situation.....They like the money, and we like the hard work...Win-Win  
Date: 1/7/2004 12:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 10754    Win-win my rear. This allows people who broke the law to be rewarded with a ' better life '. It allows MANY AMERICAN-born CITIZENS to be left on the sidelines of emplyment. Again I say, take care of our own first.  
Date: 1/7/2004 12:53:00 PM  From Authorid: 12133    I'm sorry, I put my life on the line, fighting for my countries freedom. It was NOT done, to fight the obvious threat to the front, to turn around and have them take it away, behind our backs, one illegal immigrant, after another. Something MUST be done, to cease the illegal fence-jumping going on, and removing the fence is not the answer. Building bigger, higher, stronger, high voltage fences, with armed security guards..THAT defends the freedoms of the American people, to be able to find jobs, in our OWN country, and not to have to go to bed hungry, because they decided to hire someone for 1/3 of what it would cost them to hire YOU.  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 19682    Time for Bush to go. I have had about enough of him and his new schemes.

It is more than time to get Americans their jobs back and keep the jobs in this country.

Illegal immigrants will just have to learn to work in their own country. It makes me sick to hear more of this type thing. The immigrants coming to this country now are staggering and crime coming from them is starting.
Date: 1/7/2004 1:14:00 PM  From Authorid: 58611    There is nothing wrong with wanting a better life, but there are rules you have to follow first, if you cant even do that then why should we help them? I mean just how hard is it to apply for a visa to work here?  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:26:00 PM  From Authorid: 4614    You think the crime is coming from them? Better check again.....Sidelines of employment? Do you want any of these jobs? It seems to me, these people are doing more for the economy then most of the people responding to this post...  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 12133    Well, Sundance, since you probably don't KNOW what any of these people who are responding to this post DO for a living... Kinda hard to prove your point, when you don't know what you're talking about.  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:41:00 PM  From Authorid: 10754    Amen. ^  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 4614    I am only referring to the ones I do know about...You know who you are...  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 4614    It also gives it away when you are jealous of an illegal Mexican who pushes a mop for a living...  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:47:00 PM  From Authorid: 12133    I'm sorry, people who are welfare, with 6 kids to feed, would probably LOVE to have a job pushing a mop, to feed his kids, instead of giving t to someone who doesn't belong here in the first place.  
Date: 1/7/2004 1:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 12133    Jealous? No, when my sister has 6+ years experience, in the military, and can't get a job in El Paso, because she doesnt speak Spanish. Sorry, if they come here legally, they need to learn the language. If they are illegal, then we shouldn't have to worry about speaking to them other than saying "Go home, or I'll call the INS"
Date: 1/7/2004 4:59:00 PM  From Authorid: 19682    YES CRIME....one of the builders in my area hired Mexican workers 7 years ago and cars were broken into during the day when the house up the street was being built and one worker was caught in the act and fired. They were caught using drugs during their lunch break. Stabbings and robberies in our area have increased and not to mention property values have declined.

At least in my area of the country. Drug smuggling. Certainly not all are bad but with the increase in this culture, whereas 15 years ago there was alot less. Think what you will and I will think mine.

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