I need to vent. It's not going to be a long angry vent, but I need to get somethings off of my chest. Especially after the past week.
I don't think I believe in love anymore. I'm sitting here, with this horrible empty feeling inside me. I don't believe he loves me anymore, or why would he have dumped me? My best friend's telling me to be careful what I do or he'll remember why he dumped me in the first place and do it all over again...I didn't do anything to make him dump me. When I'm with him, I'm happy and giggly...and for a little while after he leaves...and then I get depressed and start feeling choked up and afraid and upset. I'm afraid to speak around him now, because I'm afraid that if I make one little mistake, he'll dump me.
Right now I just want to curl up in a ball in a dark corner and stay there. I don't want to face the world anymore...I don't want to face him...I'm so inlove with him and now I'm convinced he doesn't feel the same way about me, even though he says he does, and his brother says so, and a lot of our friends. I don't think he sees how much this is hurting me, and if he does, he just doesn't care. He never shows his feelings around me, so I'm left feeling like I'm the only person in this relationship who cares, at all. When he dumped me he said it was tearing him up inside, too, but he was acting all hyper while I was sitting there, crying so hard, I started hyperventilating. he told me the night we got back together that he'd cried every night since, but why couldn't he do it in front of me, why couldn't he let me see that he was feeling the pain I was feeling, instead of making me feel like I was the only one that cared. He goes on and on about how he's not ready for a commitment, so why did he ask me out in the first place? Why did he push for a commitment?
I don't understand any of this, and i hate the way I'm feeling right now...and I'm just going to start crying again......
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .