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Learn about religions #7: Zoroastrianism

  Author:  15675  Category:(Religious) Created:(1/3/2004 8:29:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (1373 times)

History/Founder: Founded in Persia around 1200 BC by the prophet Zoroaster (Zarathustra), Zoroastrianism is the world's oldest continuing monotheistic religion. Some scholars believe that Zoroastrian doctrines - heaven and hell, the struggle of good versus evil, and a redeeming messiah- have deeply influenced the Jewish and Christian religions.

Current leader/governing body: The leaders of the Zoroastrian hierarchy in Bombay, India, are the current decision making body.

Number of Adherents: Only a few hundred thousand Zoroastrian believers are left, the majority living in India. Clergy: Priests, who officiate temple worship and other common rites.

Requirements to join: How one becomes a Zoroastrian is an ongoing controversy. According to the prevailing view, one must be born into the faith- converts are unacceptable. However, due to dwindling numbers of faithful, some believe that converts should be admitted. The survival of the religion may depend on it.

Church/temple: Zoroastrians worship and share communion in a temple, often referred to as a "fire temple." Scripture: The main Zoroastrian Holy Scriptures are the Avestas, written in an ancient text (Avestan) that is similar to Sanskrit. A portion of the Avestas known as the Gathas, consist of hymns written by Zoroaster. Religious law is contained in another text, the Vendidad. Many of the original texts are missing.

Required observances, dietary restrictions: Five daily prayers, preceded by ablutions, are required of every believer above the age of seven. A sacred cord, or kushti, is retied around the waist with each prayer. Physical cleanliness is important.

Code of conduct: The last book of the Avestas, the Vendidad, contains Zoroastrian civil and religious law. The Vendidad is complex, and covers subjects as diverse as the way prayers are to be recited to the treatment of pets and livestock. The Jewish book of law, Leviticus, contains many similarities to the Vendidad, and was likely based on it.

Basic teachings and Beliefs of Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism is one of two remaining dualist religions (the other being the Manicheans). At the center of Zoroastrian belief is a Duality of conflicting forces- Ahura-Mazda (Ormahzd), the supreme entity and the force of good, versus Ahriman, the force of evil and darkness. These forces are locked in a constant struggle, but good, as always, is expected to prevail. Zoroastrians believe that time is divided into three ages, those of creation, the current era of good and evil, and the coming era, when Ahura-Mazda will triumph, evildoers will be punished, and the good will go to heaven. It is an apocalyptic religion, like Christianity. However, unlike most Christian views of hell, Zoroastrians believe it to be a temporary abode, where sinners are cleansed by fire. (much like the Catholic purgatory.)

Ahurah-Mazda is worshipped through a sacred fire, which is said to contain his presence. (leading some scholars to the conclusion that Moses of the Old Testament was Zoroastrian). The impending appearance of the Sayoshant, or savior, is expected to usher in the final judgement of man, resurrect the faithful, and defeat evil for eternity. This savior is expected of the line of Zoroaster, and to be born of a virgin.

Holidays: Zoroastrian holidays include No Ruz (literally, new day), or the New Year, celebrated at the Spring Equinox, and Farvardigan, or ten days of the dead, honoring and remembering Zoroastrians of the past, and Khordad Sal, Zoroaster's birthday.

Symbols: A living flame, symbolizing the manifested presence of God

For more information go to: http://altreligion.about.com/cs/zoroastrianism/

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 1/5/2004 2:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 55967    Vey interesting. I've also read that Zoroaster and Moses (some say Abraham) were one and the same. That was so long ago, and stories and legends get mixed so much, that I believe there is a chance of that. Also, Joseph Campbell writes that before Zoroastrianism, all religions and myths dealt with the cycle of the earth and the universe, and death and darkness were accepted as temporary and natural occurances in the cycles as well as the seasons, the equinox, etc., and that we were living in harmony with the universe at that time, but with the dawn of this new religion, things changed. Suddenly, there was evil, set up before man, to be avoided by man, and also there came into being the linear timetable of beginning, middle, and end with no cycle. Interesting.  
Date: 1/5/2004 7:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 62066    BTW I really like these posts on religion.
Date: 1/5/2004 7:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 62066    I wrote a post on Zoroatriansim but it is no where near as detailed as this one. The comments are worth reading, though. Here is the link http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm357553.html  
Date: 1/5/2004 8:00:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 15675    GypsyHawk very interesting! Thanxs MadMC Im gonna go check it out.  

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