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Gay kid sueing his school after he dropped out. What do you think.

  Author:  36967  Category:(Debate) Created:(1/3/2004 7:50:00 AM)
This post has been Viewed (1656 times)

A 11th grade teenager in the school district that I am at, he claims that he was threated, rejected, bullied, beated up and made fun of all because he was gay. He claims that he did report it, the school did nothing about it, basically because witnesses came forward to say that he did start many of the fights. So he dropped out, and then is sueing the school for his diploma and 2 and half million dollars in damages.

The facts are, that yes he was bullied because he is gay.

Other facts are as stated, many witnesses claim to see him start many fights.

His grades we not high enough to pass the grade.

He dropped out at his free will. He choose to do so, no one made him do it.

Many of these were not even on school property, so there was really not that much the school can do about it.

So with all of that in mind, should he be allowed to have his diploma, and should he be given the 2 and half million dollars (which already the school taxes are high enough as it is). The way I see it, he did not have the grades to graduate, and he dropped out on his own free will, he should not be given his diploma and he should not be given one penny of his damages. If he should be allowed to get his diploma then everyone who dropped out should also be allowed to recieve their diploma. What do you all think of this.

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Date: 1/3/2004 7:55:00 AM  From Authorid: 28848    If his grades weren't high enough to pass then he doesn't deserve a diploma, regardless of how he was treated. And two million dollars, that's just rediculous. He had other options other than quiting. He could have transferred to another school, home schooled, or went to a private school or diploma program.  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:08:00 AM  From Authorid: 18527    No he should not be allowed to have the diploma. He should get his GED or whatever, and EARN it...  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 19220    If his grades weren't good enough that he would have graduate anyway, then no he shouldn't get his diploma. As for the 2 million dollars, thats just silly. No one made him drop out. If he started most of the fights himself, then he can only blame himself. Ok and 2 million dollars......come on!  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:18:00 AM  From Authorid: 51531    Tons of kids drop out because they're bullied. Just because he's gay shouldn't make any difference.  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:19:00 AM  From Authorid: 19220    *sits down* I'm still dazed by the money.....lol  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:34:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36967    I agree that he should not be given a diploma. True fellow students gave him a hard time, I condem what the students did to him, but still he choose to drop out, it was his choice, that is his loss. The fact that a lot of this incidents did not happen on school propery, I do not see how the school is responsible. I would like to know how did he figured the money value. I believe any judge who is sane, will throw out this lawsuit.
Date: 1/3/2004 8:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 22080    the kids could be vouching against him, but for the most part, he has no right  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:44:00 AM  From Authorid: 22080    also, i was and am picked on all throughout school and probably will be in my senior year, i have thought of dropping out but ya know, thats just letting them win, he shouldnt sue for his own stupidity  
Date: 1/3/2004 9:17:00 AM  From Authorid: 42259    No way should he be allowed to sue for a diploma! HIs grades and the fact that he was bullied are two different subjects, I think.Although I have to wonder whether these "witnesses" that say they saw him start fights are really just saying that to protect thier friends?  
Date: 1/3/2004 9:42:00 AM  From Authorid: 51635    Well if he was bullied, then the witnesses might be lieing about him starting the fights...if he is awarded anything, I think it should simply be tuition to a gay high school...  
Date: 1/3/2004 9:50:00 AM  From Authorid: 60395    If his grades weren't high enough then he doesn't deserve the diploma and it isn't the school's fault.  
Date: 1/3/2004 10:29:00 AM  From Authorid: 62146    The way he see's it is he had to leave cus he was getting bullied but he did not really seem to see that some happened off school propporty and he startedsome of the fights and that he would not be able to pass anyway. I don't known he got bullied cus he is gay the school did not look into that and the fights he did not start. but the thing about most of the figths being off school property I don't think the school should be getting sued.  
Date: 1/3/2004 1:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 53052    i think it's good to bring to light what is going on behind the doors, but i don't think he should get any money(seeing he did nothing to prevent it, he provoked it to make it worse) he also dropped out more for the reason he did not have the grades to graduate(he he was a B student it would be a different story)... i was harrassed in school and the school did NOTHING to prevent it i would have loved to do something to bring the issues in the school into light so people know what was going on behind the doors of a school  
Date: 1/3/2004 2:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 58030    ok if he started the fights how is it the OTHER person's fault, and if the other person started it, sue them don't drop out and expect the college to pick up the slack, they don't care! your a mature responsible adult with a courtroom just a phone call away, no this guy should not get his diploma, and half a million dollars!!!!????? even if he WAS the victem, HELLO it's just a bully and a fight, you didn't have to fight you didn't have to go where these guys were, your stupidity,  
Date: 1/3/2004 2:39:00 PM  From Authorid: 53909    I don't think that he should get his diploma if his grades were not high enough to pass the grade and also for dropping out at his free will. Since they say that he started most of the fights by him self, he has no one to blame but him self. That is a lot of money...wow...The things that I could do with that money. LOL! Lots of kids drop out for being bullied...being gay should make any difference.  
Date: 1/3/2004 2:42:00 PM  From Authorid: 35720    He's using his homosexuality to make himself look like a victim.. pathetic, in my opinion.  
Date: 1/3/2004 3:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 24704    Wow, this is almost as bad as the guy suing Mcdonalds for making him fat. Anyways, first of all, he has no right to his diploma if he is in the 11th grade, does not have passing grades, and is not enrolled at school? and 2.5 MILLION dollars for damages? wow, I wish I got paid that much for evey black eye I got, or everytime I was offened by a jeer. The way i see it, is he is trying to use his homosexuality as a set apart from everybody else, for pity, to make him look like a victim, when, like you said, he started most of the fights himself, and if they occurred off of school grounds, the school has no liability or responsibility for the events. He is just another Drama Queen (no slur intended) looking for a way to make a quick buck by hiding behind his sexuality as a defense. I think if this lawsuit passes, and he is paid, it is complete injustice and shows the court is afraid of conviction.  
Date: 1/3/2004 5:21:00 PM  From Authorid: 61901    Poor Victim, what a cry baby... I had it just as bad in high school and I am not even gay. If I could only have found a angle like him.  
Date: 1/3/2004 6:29:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    It is obvious we are not getting all the facts here. Were his grades a result of his treatment in school? Was he given the same opportunities as other students by the school board? I can think of several more questions, and will have to research it a little more before sending the money to help him pay for a lawyer, which I will gladly do if it is true he was done wrong.  
Date: 1/3/2004 6:49:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    This link must be the case you are talking about. If it is, then there is more to it than what this post states. If you want opinions, then give all the facts. http://www.geocities.com/Friends_of_Tim/news.html  
Date: 1/3/2004 8:30:00 PM  From Authorid: 55967    ??? Two Spirit, I just went to the link. I don't know if this is the case, but it looks like it could be, and if it is, it was all over 2 years ago. The kid dropped out in 2000, and according to links at the bottom where the updates are, on January 18, 2002, the school settled out of court and gave the kid 312,000 dollars. This is old news. But anyway, I agree that the kid had it a lot harder than what this post says, but still, he should not have gotten his diploma (which apparently he didn't), and 2.5 mil is still waaaay too much IMO. What was decided seems about right to me.  
Date: 1/3/2004 9:36:00 PM  From Authorid: 17014    If his grades weren't up there then he doesn't deserve a diploma. And he doesn't deserve the money either. He doesn't deserve a sob story if he started many of the fights.  
Date: 1/3/2004 9:38:00 PM  From Authorid: 27046    It all depends on why his grades were not good enough to pass the school year. The bullying and problems that he put up with in school and the fact that the school did nothing to ease the situation could very well be the reason why his grades were low. It is statistically shown that kids facing extreme stress or anxiety do far worse with their performance. In my school district it does not matter whether or not a fight takes place on school grounds or within the school. If the problem started in school and escalated into a fight after school it is the schools responsibility. The fact that this kid is gay has absolutely no bearing on which way a court should settle this case. The facts of the matter is the child was bullied, he was beat up, and the school did nothing to stop the situation. It doesn't matter whether it was happening because he was gay or because he four eyes and pointy hair. The school is responsible for maintaining a safe learning environment for all the children. If it cannot or won't do this, there is a problem and once could certaintly say that yes they dropped out at their own free will, meaning the school didn't make them drop out, but it wasn't because that is what the person wanted to do. This kid obviously felt that he had no choice but to do so because the school was not addressing these problems.  
Date: 1/3/2004 10:43:00 PM  From Authorid: 12341    I agree with what Azairyia said. That is exactly my own own perspective.  
Date: 1/4/2004 4:35:00 AM  From Authorid: 47296    GypsyHawk, I did not read the other links because I wanted to see if this was the case which he was talking about. I was familiar with this case when it first appeared. I do agree the dipoloma should not be granted until all requirements are met. I also am of the attitude that the school is required to do whatever is neccesary to provide a safe learning enviroment for ALL students, and if the school cannot do so, then they should be held accountable. When I was in high school, any harassment of a student was dealt with quickly and effectively, regardless of who or what that student was. The school took responsibility from the moment a student got on the bus, until they returned to where they were dropped off in the afternoon. If the schools will not take accountability seriously, then they must be made through whatever means to take it seriously.  
Date: 1/6/2004 6:44:00 PM  From Authorid: 29262    I think he doesn't deserve a diploma. He dropped out. Don't worry, he won't get a cent. You want to know what the judge is going to say? I know exactly what hes gonna say. since you dropped out, take a P E D.  
Date: 1/7/2004 10:06:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36967    I am not sure if this is the or not, It could be. The articles that I have, did not mention his name.  
Date: 1/7/2004 11:40:00 AM  From Authorid: 62060    Strange how all these people with 'emotional distress' assume millions of dollars will sort out their problems for them...Hmmmmmm...  
Date: 1/7/2004 3:52:00 PM  From Authorid: 55967    It may not sort out their problems, but it can buy them a really expensive beer.  
Date: 1/7/2004 7:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    After reading the other links, this is obviously the case in question. There was a settlement in the case. Once again, it is the school boards resposbility to insure that all students have a safe and secure learning enviroment, regardless of who they are. In a day and age when we are constantly hearing "No kid left behind", it is high time the schools get with the program.  
Date: 1/9/2004 7:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 46266    Gay people are too promiscuous to be allowed in a public school in the first place. That's all I'm saying, you do the research.  
Date: 1/10/2004 7:31:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Vertigos, that is the most asinine and blatant lie I have ever heard. I have personally seen teen age girls who are far more promiscuous than gays will ever be. You do the research yourself before trying to further along the lies that so many believe.  
Date: 1/11/2004 6:22:00 PM  From Authorid: 51911    that kid deserves the diploma. his grades must have been somewhat low because he was stresed out, especially by the bullies. the school could have done something about that issue, but when he asked for help, they didnt give him any, even though they are required to. its prety much the school's fault, i think he should get it.
Date: 1/12/2004 1:51:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36967    51911 you are forgetting on thing, if it was on school property, that would be different, if it was not, like this case, the school could not really do anything about it. The School cannot be responsible for what happens outside their property. Like if you were at my house, I can tell you what to do, but outside my property I cannot tell you what to do. It is totally unfair to blame the school for something that happens outside their property. They have no control.  
Date: 1/12/2004 7:34:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Derek, from what I have read of the case, a lot of it was on school property.  
Date: 1/13/2004 5:46:00 PM  From Authorid: 61188    That is really dumb ~ people now days can just sue and get anything... Oh wait, my mom is cooking spinach.. I HATE SPINACH! I think I'll go sue her... .::.Rachel.::.  
Date: 1/14/2004 1:03:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36967    Two Spirit, we are thinking of two different cases.  
Date: 1/14/2004 1:04:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36967    From what I heard of, there are 11 cases in the US right now where Kids drop out, and then sueing the School, I think 7 of them involve Gay kids.  
Date: 1/14/2004 1:06:00 PM  From Authorid: 53284    Based on what you said, my opinion is no diploma, no money. I think that many gay people do have difficulty in HS but I'm not sure what the schools can do about it.  
Date: 1/14/2004 4:40:00 PM  From Authorid: 47296    Derek, you live in Pa. There is only one case that is currently, or has been in the news, from Pa. It involves a gay student that dropped out of school during his 11th year, after school officials refused to take action to end harassment or threats made on school property. Now, if you care to post the article where you got your information, then we can confirm that this is the same case as the one which I first heard of a few years ago. If not, then we will have to assume that this is just another of your ploys to try and defame the character of a person because they are gay.  
Date: 1/14/2004 7:15:00 PM  From Authorid: 177    I don't think anyone owes him a cent. He's a wuss.  
Date: 1/15/2004 3:24:00 PM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 36967    I heard this from a Radio Station.

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