Part 3
A month had past before I had actually gone out to socialize again. Jeff and I met up at the mall to talk and get some lunch. I was still sore as hell, having a lot of difficulty walking but I didn’t care at the time. You could still see bruises that were almost healed on Jeff’s face.
“You want to hear something weird,” I said to Jeff as we sat down to grab a bite to eat.
“Sure Madison, what’s up,” he said looking up at me. He still had his smile despite everything.
“I left a note on my nightstand a week after the accident,” I said to him pausing to see if he had any comment.
“What do you mean a note?”
“I wrote a letter to Kate and Eric. Like things I would have said to them if I had the chance to still and stuff. I left it on my nightstand and the next morning it was unfolded and laying out on the stand,” I said looking up for yet another reaction.
“Well maybe your parents came in and read it or your sister,” he said with a slight laugh. I could tell he was thinking of me as a fool.
“No Jeff. Remember my door has a lock on it. I closed it and locked it before I went to sleep.”
He shock his head in disbelieve. “Maybe you think you did but forgot to.”
I explained to him how weird things had been happening. I had been noticing things that were not normal. “Do you believe in spirits?”
“This is so ridiculous Madison,” he said shaking his head. “They are dead Madison just get over the fact they are dead.” Just then a napkin blew off the table. He looked up at me then around slowly. We were indoors and there were no windows. “How did you do that?”
“I didn’t do it Jeff,” I said pausing and picking up the napkin. “I am telling you something is up. I’m not sure what but I swear they are here and know where we are when.”
He shook his head again standing up slowly. “I doubt this Madison. Let me take you home.” He stood up and walked outside to his car. When he looked in the window he paused.
“Jeff, unlock the doors,” I said not noticing his pause.
“How did that get there,” Jeff asked with a little anger in his voice.
“How did what get where?” He pointed on the back seat to a picture. It was a picture of the four of us taking a few weeks before the accident. “I don’t know Jeff I’ve never seen that picture before.”
Unlocking the doors I reached back to grab the picture. On the back of it, it read: Dear Jeff, Have an awesome summer. You are one of the best guys I know. Better hang out sometime. Love, Kate. I put it back down without reading it out loud and looked at him. I shook my head, I knew something was up here and so did he. Something that wasn’t normal, something supernatural. So that night we talked my parents into letting him stay over so we could figure things out, and compare different thought, different memories. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 27705 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .