Date: 1/2/2004 5:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 38601
I don't know how to help you, but i certainly hope things will get better |
Date: 1/2/2004 5:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 20750
Here's some ideas! Call halfway houses! They are supervised some what! It cost little to nothing! It takes the stress off of the family! They ae with others that are fighting to get sober! Also call family services in your area & describe the situation, usually for $50 you can get a person into treatment much faster! Do the calling yourself, don't leave it up to him! Explain what he is doing to your family & they will help you! The $50 is for an evulation! But it is an in! I hope these services are available in your city! Good luck! I know how hard this is! |
Date: 1/2/2004 5:20:00 PM
From Authorid: 16705
i know exactly what you are going thru sweetie. my oldest who is 28 is in jail due to drugs. he has checked himself in so many times but when they check theirselves in they can also check out on their own. my youngest is 26 and he is headed in the same direction but there is nothing i can do because they are over 21. our kids are the only ones who can make the decision to stop, nothing anyone says or does will make them stop unless they want too. if your child is under 21 they maybe you could call the court system and they will help you in some way. i wish you the best, let me know how it's going ok? lol Hamb918 |
Date: 1/2/2004 5:44:00 PM
From Authorid: 57232
Princess Roxie Rage said it for me, I hope it gets better soon |
Date: 1/2/2004 6:37:00 PM
From Authorid: 49091
I know exactly how you feel. My brother is currently, and has been since October 13th, staying in juvi till a rehab center can open up for him. He doesnt want to be there, but if he wasnt there, he'd be dead, or would have ran till he was 18. And no one in my family wanted to see that happen to him. He tryed to commit sucide more then 2 times and was into a LOT of drugs and hanging with BAD people. He wasnt going to school, was getting drunk every day, was doing weed, cocaine and meth (with some others I dont know the names of...some perscription drug) and all these drugs and friends and alcohol were leading him to the thought of sucide. He thought his life was over cause his best best best best friend in the ENTIRE world was killed last April by a hit and run driver and he blamed himsel for his death, cause he was like no dude, srry my parents cant give u a ride home, srry and when michael was walking home, he was hit by a car and died the next day.(easter sunday) After Michael was killed, my brother found life pointless. He stopped everything, skateboarding,playing guitar, everything...everything but drungs. He got so into drugs alcohol and bad people, he tried to kill himself. One day him n my dad were talking n he said if it wasnt for my friends, I would be dead right now, at that moment my dad knew, this was the last time he was going to let tommy get away with anything. He called an officer that was helping us out after he stole my paretns gun and ran from the cops and that officer came over, police surrounded the house n they arrrested tommy n took him to juvi. Best thing that coulda happened to him. I miss him more thennaything, but it was better then losing my brother to drugs, alcohol, friends or death. I hope everything works out for you. I really really do. I know how hard it is to deal with something like this. it's a killer. You dont want them to go, but u know they have to. |
Date: 1/2/2004 6:38:00 PM
From Authorid: 49091
My heart n prayers go out to you sweetie!! *huggs and lov* If you ever need to talk bout ne thing, I am always here to talk or to just listen! Feel free to drop me a line ANYTIME! *huggs* It'll be ok sweetie. In the end, it will all be ok. |
Date: 1/2/2004 7:45:00 PM
From Authorid: 40979
I am sorry to hear about your son Rengina I wish I could help you out . Your family will be in my prayers :-) |
Date: 1/2/2004 10:53:00 PM
From Authorid: 51827
Are there other rehabs he can go to. Even if they are 100 miles away it is better to get him into one ASAP then maybe they can switch him to the one closer to home when a bed is available. If it takes to long things may get worse. I think it is awful that rehab centers cant find enough space for ppl that are willing to help themselves. Stay Strong, "give hope a little time to float up cause it will." Thats from Hope Floats, my fav. movie. |