Date: 1/1/2004 10:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 22992
Oh no, my friend got those taken out recently and he was on so much pain killer that he started hitting on the nurse people, LOL, it was crazy  |
Date: 1/1/2004 10:04:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 22275
Ahhhhh Lord Ox i hope i dont hit on anyone ahhh  |
Date: 1/1/2004 10:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 44960
Having wisdom teeth removed are no fun at all, wish i could say something better, sorry  |
Date: 1/1/2004 10:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 6860
Well on a positive note, I had a good experience getting my wisdom teeth taken out. Granted, mine weren't like yours are, but it was a relativly easy process. I just went in, and I was so nervous that my heart-rate was 104! LoL They hooked me up to all these machines and such, and then the doctor came in and before you knew it, I was out and then awake again. When I woke up, I had an ice pack around my face and gauze in my mouth. I was so confused, I kept asking where I was. LoL The pain wasn't too bad, there was only one night where I had terrible pain, but the pressure of the gauze helped a lot. Your doctor will tell you all the things that you need to do post-surgery, but always keep your head elevated! That helped so much with the swelling. Drink fluids, but not with a straw because you can get dry socket, and I've heard thats not fun. Overall, you should be pretty well off, if you need to talk to me about the jitters, or have questions, feel free to message me! Good luck!  |
Date: 1/2/2004 1:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 13546
Hey sweetie, I actually had my wisdom teeth pulled about 2 years ago.. the dentist froze my mouth.. and .. well .. literally it took him less than 10 minutes to pull all four of my teeth.. it wasn't painful at all. (all of my wisdom teeth were full grown too). I had very minimal swelling.. Don't worry sweetie.. its different for everyone.. just keep an open mind, and leave the rest to the dentist.. Good Luck! *hugs*  |
Date: 1/2/2004 1:23:00 AM
From Authorid: 53558
Awww, you poor girl, Meow Mix Luver. I am sending you a very special *((Hug))* to make you feel better. It's on its way. Big hugs. Take care.  |
Date: 1/2/2004 5:05:00 AM
From Authorid: 30229
Had mine out years ago... isnt as bad as you think it is. Thing is though, please follow their directions very carefully so as not to get a dry socket, now THAT hurts. You will go through a couple of days of 'discomfort' and they will give you meds for that... Dont worry, it will be okay  |
Date: 1/2/2004 8:58:00 AM
From Authorid: 16845
wisdom teeth out really isn't that bad....just remember to not take your meds on an empty stomach or you'll be paying for it....beeeeelieve me I know!  |
Date: 1/2/2004 11:47:00 AM
From Authorid: 17275
I had to have mine out when I was 16 and was really freaked out because they were going to have to put me out. It actually wasn't too bad and I am not a dentist type person. They gave me laughing gas first.  |
Date: 1/2/2004 1:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 59266
If they try and pull anything funny, just tell me and I'll hunt them down with a blunt knife and rip there adam's apple out with my teeth lol  |