Climbing Ever Upwards Fingers are sore Legs growing tired Working all the time Poverty's weighing me down So Hungry! Not enough to eat. School, classes, working three jobs. Genetics degree is so very, very far away! But I have only to look down to spur me higher.
Pain! Welfare! Depression! Physical abuse! And Steve's crooked smile Laughing at me.
"You can't do anything!" "She's an unfit mother!" "I'm her father!" "She's mine!" "Mine!"
Inspiration. A dream to fight for! Careful planning down to The last calorie!
Grants Applications Lots of Paperwork Filled out in triplicate So many expensive books bought Squinting at the tiny print Working later every night Sometimes never sleeping But always dreaming of My name on a door! My own desk. Admiration. Degrees. Fame!
And Of course, Success!
It will come Because I will Work hard for it! And I will get her back Because a doctorate outweighs A loud mouth and a beer belly everytime!
Iron resolve reaches out and seizes another handhold In the mountain of success, whose winds are called Adversity And Doubt, and Distraction. None of which bother me In the least. Not at All.
I will win I will conquer Because I have Someone who needs me And that is all the inspiration I need.
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .