Let me first start off by saying, Im not a person who holds grudges, stays mad at people, and turns a small offense into a major catastrophe. That said:
There's a girl in my youth group who I just don't like. I know there will always be people in life who are that way who I'll never like but there's alot of stuff this girls done to me. Its not just over a small amount of time. It started when I was in sixth grade and continued on into my freshman years.
She's called everything from a female dog (other word) to talking behind my back. My friends have told me things they've said and it makes me so mad becuase she is the nicest and sweetest SUCKUP! to a person's face, but she talks bad about them behind their back.
I don't want to talk to her to her face about it (which Im afraid I might have to do). But I've tried every means possible. I've audibly said, "Katie, I forgive you. " I've wrote a letter to her in my journal (which I intend to never show her. I just wrote it so I could get it out). Nothing's worked. Its like part of me still doesn't want to let it go.
My youth group is going to Gatlinburg soon and Im afraid that I might say something or do something. My mind has come up with so many senarios of things that could happen. Things I would love to say to her, do to her. I know they're not right. I know I haven't forgiven her because I want to get her back for the things she's done.
I know I want to forgive her because I don't want to carry this grudge. I just can't figure out how to get rid of it!! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52140 ( Click here )
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