I walk aimlessly around my house in the dark The lights are all turned out Tears overcome my face, trying to wash away some unseen pain But he will come tonight, I know this without a doubt I hear the doorbell ring I rush to open the door that will lead me into his arms I fling open the door and I see him standing there His deep blue eyes penetrate in mine His warm, gentle hand reaches up to wash away my tears Before I know it I am in his arms and I am holding on like there is no tomorrow
We leave my house, hand in hand I never look back He sits me in his car And we drive off down the street We drive aimlessly for over an hour Finally we come to a resting place I get out of the car and observe all that is around me I see gardens filled with roses, tall grasses, and a beautiful sunset Even though we are in a deserted place, it feels so alive I feel his arms around my waist He pulls me tight to him, kissing my neck His arm moves around to the front of me, holding a fire and ice rose "maybe the fire will melt the ice, and you will consent to be mine at last." he says I close my eyes as I clutch the rose to my chest. "If you would do one thing, I would be yours forever." His eyes go wide, as though I'm challenging him. "Tell me what to do, and I will do it." I look deeply in to his eyes, I smile coyly "You must fall in love with me." His arms snake around my waist, "Consider your wish granted." He lowers his head as I lift mine Our lips meet, sharing our first and most glorious kiss
He loves her, She loves him Love sworn and sealed with a kiss All is right, happily ever after How can one resist a story such as this? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 11749 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .