The year 2003, a lot if thing happend this year, and olny a few days away from new years eve and new years day i thought i should do this now. some thing i rember from this year are
MOVIES:Hilary Duff stars in the film verison of her hit show THE LIZZIE MCGUIRE MOVIE which was NUMBER I AT THE box office, Johnny Depp stars in the movie THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN which was number i at the box office, Jaime le cerdus(i hoped i spelled her name right)stars in a movie where she plays a mom who changes body with her daughter FREAKY FRIDAY which was number 1 at the box office, a movie about 2 fish looking for a lost fish FINDING NEMO was #1 at the box office, the movie verson of the books THE CAT IN THE HAT, AND PETER PANT came to the box office
MUSIC: Britney spears and Hilary Duff cds reach #1 in the billboard charts,
NEWS: Arnold Schwarzenegger became govener of californa(this is true), Saddam Hosan(hoped i spelled his name right) is caught, Michel Jactson goes to court because of somethig he did, Kobe Brain goes to court because of what he did,
Entertament:Jen and Ben hole get together break apart get back together thing, the kiss between Madona and Britney Spears, Madona's childern's book is made, Ozzy Osurborn ends up in the hostipal because of i think of a car crash
well this is all i could rember from this year if you rember any thing els i didn't say tell me You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55582 ( Click here )
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