Date: 12/27/2003 9:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 57232
I'm so glad that nobody got hurt too. I've done stupid-a-plenty too. Irony sure is a funny one most of the time. I guess it's your body's way of saying oh you think you are crying now??? Wait till you pull a stunt like this again bucko. You better listen to that eye.  |
Date: 12/27/2003 9:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 51049
You are really luck that you did not kill yourself or anybody else, or did you know that already??  |
Date: 12/27/2003 9:25:00 PM
From Authorid: 51049
lucky*  |
Date: 12/27/2003 10:16:00 PM
From Authorid: 12341
I think so too, TC. It isn't always about reincarnation, but sometimes it does come come back to us. I'm sorry because I know you are a good and kind person at heart but we have times when life beats us unmercifully and we seek whatever helps the most. I know you and I feel your karma, good, all GOOD. I've had some times to when life has kicked me hard and I always consider it part of learning and living better. Our spiritual side is imbedded deep within us and we can't not assume that we will never answer for anything. Logic and reason aside, being human we know this. You like me, have learned some lessons along the way. That's what life is all about.  |
Date: 12/27/2003 10:37:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 177
I think we bring (or draw to ourselves) the good and bad events & this life and/or other lives.  |
Date: 12/27/2003 11:01:00 PM
From Authorid: 12341
I think so too.  |
Date: 12/28/2003 1:59:00 AM
From Authorid: 42945
a good post TC, just another page in our book of history hun....hugs  |
Date: 12/28/2003 6:32:00 AM
From Authorid: 54987
The fact that you have learned such a valuable lesson and have grown wiser is part of that karma too... and that is more important than the tears.  |
Date: 12/28/2003 6:53:00 AM
From Authorid: 15394
karma is an interesting thing... and as long as the mistakes that were karma causing are never repeated again, then no harm no foul... it's the ones that keep repeating the same error that worry me...  |
Date: 12/28/2003 8:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 17275
Wow, sure am glad you were ok overall, what a reminder of what happened!  |
Date: 12/28/2003 12:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 42259
This is an awesome reminder to anyone who plans to live it up this new years. By the way, I'm about 3 hours from Burien. my parents used to live there!  |
Date: 12/29/2003 2:55:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 177
I hope my eye will have cleared up by my next life-time. I think it will have.  |
Date: 12/30/2003 1:29:00 PM ( Admin-V )
i think it is just as important to forgive yourself too. ;-) |
Date: 8/25/2010 10:57:00 AM
From Authorid: 51292
I agree with what you said at the end karma is in the here and now, its always around.  |